to fork out sth – (pénzt) kiperkálni
to pay an amount of money, especially unwillingly
to lay out sth – sok pénzt kidobni valamire
to spend money, especially a large amount
to be penny-wise and pound-foolish – kicsi dolgokban kicsinyes, nagyokban nagyban elveri a pénzt
to be extremely careful about small amounts of money and not careful
enough about larger amounts of money
to pick up sth – potom pénzért megszerezni valamit
to buy something cheaply
spendthrift – pénzt szóró (személy)
someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it
sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Merriam Webster Dictionary; The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Most pedig használjátok a kifejezéseket a következő mondatok kiegészítésére.
1. You know what makes me nuts is that my husband is ____. He refuses to finance my small things, but spends fortunes on his expensive hobby.
2. As I’ve ____ twenty quid for the tickets so we must go!!!
3. Fortunately, it’s not every week I ____ $700 on an evening dress.
4. My wife says she isn’t a ____. Although if she sees something on sale, she’ll get four because it’s a good deal.
5. We’ve managed to ____ some real bargains in the sale after Christmas.
1. penny-wise and pound-foolish;
2. forked out;
3. lay out;
4. spendthrift;
5. pick up
unwillingly | vonakodva/kelletlenül |
to waste | elpocsékolni/elpazarolni |
to make me nuts | őrületbe kergetsz |
to refuse | visszautasítani/nem hajlandó valamit megtenni |
to finance | pénzelni |
to spend fortunes on | vagyonokat költeni valamire |
quid | font |
it’s a good deal | Jó ajánlat. |
bargains | alkalmi vételek |