5 verbs:
- to let sy know – közölni valakivel/tudatosítani valamit valakivel
to tell something to someone - to look for – lelkesen várni
to await with hope or anticipation - to see sb through – átsegíteni valakit valami nehézségen
to help or support someone during a difficult period in their life - to switch back – visszaváltani
to return to some previous state or condition, to return to
something one used to do - to turn to – segítségért fordulni és kapni valakitől
to get help from someone
5 words:
- leadership – vezetői képesség
the set of characteristics that make a good leader - guidance – irányítás/útmutatás
help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with
problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships - consistency – következetesség
the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way,
or of always happening in a similar way.
- behaviour – viselkedés
the way that a person, an animal, behaves in a particular situation
or under particular conditions - approach – hozzáállás
a way of considering or doing something
Two dog training tips:
- Leadership is love. Offer your dog somewhere to look for guidance,
give them security and safety, let them know they’ll always have you to turn to.
This helps with socialisation, reactivity, anxiety.
- Consistency is key. No behaviour will change overnight and it is consistency in
your approach that will see you through. Even if a behaviour does switch overnight,
it’ll soon switch back without consistency.
sources: Fenrir Canine Leaders, Facebook; The Free Dictionary by Farlex; Merriam-Webster Dictionary; Cambridge Dictionary
A következő feladatban használjátok az igéket és a kifejezéseket a következő mondatok kiegészítésére.
to await | várakozni |
anticipation | várakozás |
to support | támogatni |
previous | előző |
characteristics | tulajdonságok |
advice | tanács |
socialisation |
tulajdonság// szocializáció/közösségben való megfelelő viselkedés |
in a similar way | hasonló módon |
the way | az a mód |
under particular conditions | bizonyos körülmények esetén |
to consider | figyelembe venni |
previous | előző |
to be unreliable | megbízhatatlan |
puppies anxiety |
kölyökkutyák szorongás |