Break a leg!


Kéz és lábtörést! Szókincsépítés a 'break' igével - szószedettel.

Fill in the gaps to see how many things you can ‘break’:)

a) law
b) loose
c) habit
d) record
e) heart
f) code
g) camp
h) new ground
i) silence
j) ice
k) news
l) free

1) I want to break ………. from the constraints of this relationship.
2) In the morning we broke ………. and hiked on towards the mountain top.
3) Nobody knew what to say until Pat arrived and broke the ………. .
4) They called in an expert to break the ………. and decipher the enemy’s messages.
5) I told her that boy would break her ………. but she was too much in love to believe me then.
6) You really must break this terrible ………. and stop biting your nails.
7) Sometimes the best way to break the ………. is to smile.
8) The whole city was in panic because a lion broke ………. from the zoo.
9) Who’s going to break the ………. to her about the accident?
10) I have never seen anything like this research. It’s really breaking ………. .
11) My brother broke the school ………. in the long jump when he was only eleven.
12) No wonder he ended up in prison. He started breaking the ………. at a very early age.

Answers: 1) l, 2) g, 3) i, 4) f, 5) e, 6) c, 7) j, 8) b, 9) k, 10) h, 11) d, 12) a

to break the law – megszegni a törvényt
to break loose – elszabadulni
to break a habit – leszokni (rossz szokásról)
to break a record – rekordot dönteni
to break a heart – összetörni valaki szívét
to break a code – kódot megfejteni/feltörni
to break camp – tábort bontani
to break new ground – úttörő (munkát végezni)
to break a silence – megtörni a csendet
to break the ice – megtörni a jeget
to break the news – hírt közölni
to break free – megszabadulni

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