Parányi varázslat – Good Witch – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

Sokak kedvenc sorozatáról hallgathattok meg 10 érdekes információt. Természetesen feladatot is készítettünk hozzá.

10 interesting facts about the Good Witch series

A videó megnézése után döntsd el, hogy a következő állítások igazak (T), hamisak (F), vagy nem volt róluk szó (NM) a videóban.

source (video, picture): The Good Witch: 10 Things We Didn’t Know, Hallmark 2021, Binge Now, Youtube

  1. A total of 7 tv movies were created because of the huge success of the Good Witch series.
  2. In the first season of the series Cassie appeared as a widow because Chris Potter, playing her husband in the TV movies, was unavailable for filming the series.
  3. The fictional town of Middleton is said to be a couple hours away from Toronto, it is in a small town of Cambridge. But in reality, the series was filmed in a small Illinois suburb.
  4. There have been many changes in characters and real explanations for the changes or dismissal of characters were given by Hallmark channel each and every case.
  5. Although Covid19 halted production, the cast stayed in contact during quarantine by doing a zoom call together.
  6. James Denton had been persuaded by dedicated fans to join the successful show and he didn’t regret his decision.
  7. The success of the show lies in the fact that people are sick of watching people awful to each other and this happy ever after story in this feel-good lighthearted show remind them of the good in the world.
  8. Rhys Matthew Bond plays Sam’s troubled son, Nick, who is a typical North American kid, so he had to brush up his American accent with the help of an accent coach.

1. F, 7 TV movies had been made before the Good Witch series started. The success of these TV movies made Hallmark channel give green light to the series.;
2. T; 3. F, the fictional town is said to be a couple of hours away from Chicago and is thought to be a small Illinois suburb, but in reality, the series was filmed in various parts of Ontario, Canada, around Toronto and in the quaint town of Cambridge.;
4. F, there’s no real explanation for the changes or dismissal of characters and the show glosses them over.;
5. T; 6. F, he joined after hearing how much fans loved the movies and he wanted to be part of the successful show that had such a dedicated fan base.;
7. T; 8. NM, all we know is that he does the perfect North American accent and fans are thrown off when they hear his natural British accent in interviews


to give insights betekintés adni/nyújtani
sequel folytatás
to occur szerepelni/megjelenni
widow özvegyasszony
spoiler szpojler, (cselekményben előforduló váratlan fordulat előre jelzése, amely a kívánt hatást váratlansága révén éri el)
to binge egyszerre több epizódját is megnézni egy sorozatnak
to gloss over elkendőzni
to get over túltenni magát valami szomorú eseményen
underlying reason mögöttes/háttérben meghúzódó indok/ok
to move along in the timeline előre menni/előre haladni a történet idővonalán
to shoot the show leforgatni a show-t
quaint town különös/furcsa/érdekes város
dismissal of characters a szereplők menesztése
to reveal to the public a nagyközönség számára felfedni
to bother zavarni/idegesíteni
contact dispute szerződés körüli vita
bump kismamapocak/terhespocak
uncommon ritka/nem gyakori
to have a close bond szoros kötelék alakul ki közöttük
due to valami miatt
to take on another role másik szerepet vállalni
to halt megállítani
dedicated fan base lelkes rajongóbázis
to be sick and tired of elege van valamiből
to remind emlékeztetni
to throw them off összezavarni őket
to hide elrejteni
to adopt an accent alkalmazni/rendszeresen használni egy akcentust
to fill roles sikeresen játszani szerepeket

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