A következő feladatsorral fotózással kapcsolatos szavakat és kifejezéseket gyakorolhatsz.
to take a photo |
to develop a photo |
to crop a photo |
to capture a moment |
fényképezni |
előhívni egy képet |
megvágni egy képet |
elkapni a pillanatot |
darkroom |
camera |
flash |
lens |
sötétszoba |
fényképezőgép |
vaku |
objektív, lencse |
photograph |
tripod |
slide |
photographer |
fénykép |
állvány |
dia |
fényképész, fotós |
1. Kösd össze a jobb oldali oszlop szavait a bal oldali oszlopban található jelentéseikkel!
1. a composition |
a. an image that you see when you look at a shiny surface or a mirror |
2. a subject |
b. a position from which you look at something |
3. an angle |
c. looking real and not flat |
4. the foreground |
d. someone or something that is the main focus of a photograph |
5. three-dimensional |
e. the amount of time that a piece of film is open to the light to make a photograph |
6. exposure |
f. the people or things closest to you in a photograph |
7. a reflection |
g. the way things are arranged in a photograph |
2. Írd be a hiányzó mondatrészeket az üres helyekre!
abstract images |
leading lines |
light source |
long shadows |
visual impact |
1. Take pictures of objects with bright colours to give your photos a lot of ……….. .
2. How you position your ……….. really affects your pictures. If it’s behind the subject, you will get silhouettes.
3. If you want to create ……….., look out for objects that will create interesting patterns with shadows.
4. Sunset and sunrise are the best times for ……….. .
5. To draw the viewer’s eye into a photograph, use ……….. . Railway tracks, paths and roads are good examples.
3. A jobb és a baloldali oszlop szavainak segítségével alkoss fotózáshoz szükséges eszközöket!
1. zoom |
a. bulb |
2. photo |
b. lens |
3. battery |
c. meter |
4. light |
d. pack |
5. flash |
e. software |
4. Helyezd be a megfelelő igét a mondatba!
capture |
compose |
crop |
develop |
focus |
frame |
shoot |
1. Your camera’s lens won’t be able to ……….. properly if you get too close to your subject.
2. Bridges, arches and trees can help you ……….. parts of your photographs.
3. When people edit their photographs, they often ……….. them as they don’t want some parts of the photograph.
4. It is not common now to ……….. photographs, as digital photography has made things easier.
5. Photography is a way to ……….. a moment in time. Then you always have a memory of it.
6. People say not to ………. into the sun. But you can take really creative photos this way.
7. To ……….. a good photograph, break the rules. Don’t always put your subject in the middle.
1-g, 2-d, 3-b, 4-f, 5-c, 6-e, 7-a
1-visual impact, 2-light source, 3-abstract images, 4-long shadows, 5-leading lines
1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-c, 5-a
1-focus, 2-frame, 3-crop, 4-capture, 5-shoot, 6-compose