How gr8 r u @ writing an sms? – Hogyan írjunk SMS-t angolul?

Ebben leckében az angol nyelv? SMS írás lesz a téma, és megtanulhatsz néhány nagyon gyakran használt SMS rövidítést is!





Nowadays we hardly find anyone without a cellphone. But we don´t just use our mobile to call someone, handies can also be used to write short messages, aka SMS-es. Here are some abbreviations used in smses. If you text message a lot they can be useful to make message writing faster.

R are
B be
2 to/two
U you
C see
4 for/four
B4 before
2U to you
L8 late
L8R later
GR8 great
H8 hate
NE any
NE1 anyone

NO1 no one
BCNU be seeing you
THNQ thank you
T2UL8R talk to you later
2DAY today
2MORO tomorrow
2NITE tonight
WAN2 want to
XLNT excellent
ATB all the best
RU CMNG are you coming?
AFAIK as far as I know
BHL8 be home late

BIL boss is listening
CMi call me
CUB L8R call you back later
911 call me now
FYI for your information
GUDLUK Good Luck
IMTNG in meeting
LDN London
@ at
BTW by the way
LOL laugh out loud
AKA also known as
ASAP as soon as possible
IC I see

HAND have a nice day
PLZ please
PLZ4GVME please forgive me
RGDS regards
CUL8R see you later
WRU where are you?
YR your
EZ easy
f2f face to face
XOXOX hugs and kisses
w/ with
w/o without
w%d would
Y why

What is a SMS? Do you know what does this abbreviation stand for?

More SMS Than Internet, More Internet Than Newspapers

For young people, sending messages using SMS over cellular phones is more powerful than doing so through the Internet, according to a recent survey, reports E-Media Tidbits.

"The results of a study conducted by Ericsson Consumer Lab show that 68 percent of Spaniards between 15 and 24 years old send text messages every day. But only 38 percent of young people connect to the Net on a daily basis.


"Internet media companies should be thinking about this in terms of future prospects. It is worrisome for magazines and newspapers, since Internet media consumption is already higher than for print media. Internet accounts nowadays for 20 percent of European media consumption, only behind radio and television, according to a study of the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA)."

abbreviation rövidítés

according to sth vmi szerint

cellphone mobiltelefon

cellurar phone mobiltelefon

consumption fogyasztás

handy mobiltelefon

hardly alig

mobile mobiltelefon

percent százalék

powerful er"os, er"oteljes, hatalommal bíró

prospect kilátás, távlat

recent nem régi, közelmúltbeli

result of a study egy tanulmány eredménye

survey felmérés

to conduct a study egy tanulmányt készíteni

to connect to the Net kapcsolódni az Internetre

to report sth közzétenni valamit, beszámolni vmir?l

to sms sms-ezni

to stand for sth vmi helyett áll vmi

to text message szöveges üzenetet küldeni

worrisome aggasztó