Hasznos párbeszédek – Television services


Ez a párbeszéd hasznos lehet, ha tévécsatornákat szeretnél beköttetni külföldön. 

Operator: Sky Customer Service. What can I do for you?
Man: Hello. I’d like to order a pay-monthly television subscription package.
Operator: All right. So, you’ll need a box, too. Would you like a standard or a multiroom box?
Man: I’d prefer a standard box.
Operator: Okay. Would you like an HD pack with it?
Man: Does it have an extra cost?
Operator: Yes, it costs £10.25 per month.
Man: Okay, I don’t need it now. How many channels will I have?
Operator: All kinds of packages include 240 free to air channels. You can add Sky Entertainment, Sky Entertainment Extra, Sky Sports and Sky Movies to your subscription.
Man: Sky Entertainment will be fine. Is there a set-up charge?
Operator: No, installation and set-up are free of charge. We offer installations within six days of your order.
Man: Can we arrange an installation date now?
Operator: Certainly. I’ll also need your name, address, phone number and credit card details to register your order.


What can I do for you?Mit tehetek önért?
I’d like to order a/an … .Szeretnék egy …-t rendelni.
Does it have an extra cost?Van külön díja?
I don’t need it now.Most nincs rá szükségem.
Is there a set-up charge?Van beszerelési díj?
Installation and set-up are free of charge.A bevezetés és a beszerelés díjmentesek.
Can we arrange a … date now?Tudunk egyeztetni egy … időpontot most?


to order(meg)rendel
extra costkülön díjazás
to includemagába foglal
to addhozzáad
set-upbeszerelés, felállítás
to registerrögzít, felvesz

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