Politikával és választásokkal kapcsolatos szókincs teszt.
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A position/place in a parliament is often called a _______.
The results of asking people who they are planning to vote for in an election, is called a _______.
The people who are trying to win a seat in parliament in an election, are called the __________.
When people vote to decide an issue/proposal (e.g. for a region to become independent), it is called a ______.
When the candidate who is the current holder of a political position/seat wins it again in an election, they are _________.
A different way to say that a person is ‘trying to win’ a position/seat in a parliament, is ______.
An event where candidates from different political parties come together and are asked questions in front of the public, is called a __________.
All the activities which political parties do to get people to vote for them in the months before an election happens, is called their ________.
George Washington was the first _________ of the USA.+
Margaret Thatcher was the first woman __________ in Europe.