Mielőtt a leckébe vágnék, elmesélem neked, hogy 4 évvel ez előtt pont az a few/a little nyelvtanról szóló hírlevelet írtam, amikor éreztem, hogy indulni kell a kórházba, majd nem sokkal később meg is született Artúr, aki ma ünnepli immár 4. születésnapját!
A 4 évvel ez előtti leckét és az alig pár órás Artúrt itt nézheted meg:
Ma tovább folytatjuk az Afrikai ételek felfedezését, és megnézzük, hogy mit esznek Afrika egyes tájain, így megismerkedünk a legnépszerűbb étellel, a fufu-val is!
Ha téged is érdekel Afrika, az ottani önkéntes munkalehetőségek, akkor érdemes kilátogatnod szeptember 2. és 4. között a Millenárisra, ahol a Nyelvparádé alatt Afrika Napokat is tartanak! Erről bővebben itt olvashatsz:
Ha pedig máltai nyelvtanfolyamot szeretnél nyerni, klikkelj ide:
Holnap újra jövök, addig is jó tanulást!
Food in Africa 2.
Food in Central Africa
Remoteand inaccessible, Central Africa has remained quite true to its traditional food, as it did not have many external influences until the 19th century, not taking into account that peanuts, chili peppers, and cassava, their staple food, were introduced from the New World.
Plantainand cassava are the main ingredients in the diet. A starchy paste made from fermented cassava roots accompanies sauces and grilled meats. Meat is hunted in the forest adding an exotic touch when crocodile, monkey, antelope and warthog make it occasionally to the menu instead of beef or chicken. Bambara, a sort of porridge made from rice, peanut butter and sugar, could be the dessert.
Food in West Africa
Sitting down to a typical West African meal, one cannot help butnoticing it is loaded with starchy foods, very light on the meat side, and well dipped in fat. Fufu a semi-solid paste, not unlikely mashed potatoes or Italian polenta, but made from root vegetables like yams or cassava, will accompany soups and stews.
West Africans love hot spices – including chili peppers, probably the only Western World influence in West Africa cooking along peanuts, and other ingredients from the New World – and they can boast of having grains of paradise, or Guinea pepper, their own native hot seasoning. Cinnamon, cloves and mint were incorporated through trade with Arab countries.
Seafood is eaten often and it can be mixed liberally with meat, usually chicken. Goat meat is the dominant red meat, as beef and mutton are tough and not very appetizing in that area.
Water has a special significance, particularly in very dry areas, and it will be the first offered to a guest. Palm wine is other beverage enjoyed in West African nations. Made from the fermented sap from various palm trees, it can be sweet or sour, depending on how long was left to ferment.
Food in Southern Africa
Southern African cuisine is cultural technicolor with so many influences mingled in their food. Local ingredients, including game meats like antelope and ostrich, are mixed with European contributions from Portuguese, Dutch or British settlers, and with Malay or Indian spiciness.
Seafood is very much appreciated, as are vegetables and fruits –grapes, mangoes, papayas, bananas. Fresh fruit is very often the dessert of choice, puddings served on occasion.
remote – távoli
inaccessible – elérhetetlen
to remain – megmarad, marad
external influence – külső hatás
to take into account – számításba vesz
plantain – útilapu
cassava – manióka
fermented – erjesztett
to accompany – kísér
to hunt – vadászik
warthog – varacskos disznó
instead of – valami helyett
peanut butter – mogyoró vaj
to notice – észrevesz
loaded with – teli van valamivel
mashed potatoes – krumplipüré
hot spices – csipős fűszerek
influence – hatás, befolyás
to boast of – dicsekszik
grain – gabona
native – őshonos
cinnamon – fahéj
clove -szegfűszeg
mint – menta
to be incorporated – magába foglalt, egyesített
mutton – birkahús, ürühús
appetizing – étvágygerjesztő
special significance – különös jelentőség
beverage – ital
sap – nedv
to be mingled – vegyített, kevert
ostrich – strucc
contribution – hozzájárulás, közreműködés
spiciness – fűszeresség
to be appreciated – megbecsült, nagyra becsült