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1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gyula u.9. – az udvarban
Várunk szeretettel, a leckéhez pedig jó tanulást kívánok!
to hand over something
meaning: to give up control of something
magyarul: átadni, lemondani valamiről
example: The rebel army handed the area over to the NATO. – A lázadó hadsereg átadta a területet a NATO-nak
to hold back someone
meaning: to restrain
magyarul: visszatartani
example: The two policemen were unable to hold back the huge group of demonstrators. – A két rendőr nem volt képes visszatartani a hatalmas csoport tüntetőt.
to die down
meaning: to become less intense
magyarul: elülni, elcsitulni
example: After the government abolished capital punishment the protests died down. – Miután a kormány eltörölte a halálbüntetést, elcsitult a tiltakozás.
to break up (a fight, a crowd)
meaning: stop a fight, disperse the crowd
magyarul: verekedőket szétválasztani, tömeget szétoszlatni
example: Teachers must break up fights in the school yard. –A tanároknak szét kell választani az iskolaudvaron verekedőket.
to do away with
meaning: make disappear/kill under suspicious circumstances
magyarul: eltenni valakit láb alól
example: The news reporter was done away with in the Middle East. – Az újságírót eltették láb alól a Közel-keleten.
to fall out with
meaning: have an argument
magyarul: összeveszni
example: Some Members of Parliament have fallen out with the opposition. – Néhány parlamenti képviselő összeveszett az ellenzékkel.
to pay off
meaning: to bribe
magyarul: lefizetni
example: The police were paid off so they won’t do anything. – A rendőrséget lefizették, ezért nem fognak tenni semmit.
to wipe out
meaning: to destroy, to massacre
magyarul: megsemmisíteni, földdel egyenlővé tenni
example: Three villages were wiped out in yesterday’s bombing. – Három falu semmisült meg a tegnapi bombázásban.
to talk back
meaning: to answer in an impolite way to an adult
magyarul: visszabeszélni
example: Students who talk back to their teachers are sent to the headmaster. –A diákokat, akik visszabeszélnek a tanároknak, az igazgatóhoz küldjük.
to back out
meaning: not to keep one’s promise
magyarul: nem tartani be az ígéretet, kibújni valami alól, megszegni az adott szót
example: Despite having a contract, Jack backed out at the last minute. – Habár volt szerződése, Jack az utolsó pillanatban megszegte a szavát.
to blow up
meaning: to explode
magyarul: felrobbantani
example: A British train was blown up by IRA. – Az IRA felrobbantott egy brit vonatot.
Fill the blanks with the words given!
was paid off |
do/does away with |
fell out with |
handed over |
back out |
broke up |
wiped out |
died down |
were blown up |
hold back |
talking back |
hold out against |
1. This city is corrupt from top to bottom. Last year even the mayor ……………….. .
2. The mafia ……………….. people who betray them.
3. My mom ……………….. her family 30 years ago. I never met my grandparents.
4. The king ……………….. the country to his son.
5. You can’t ……………….. again! I have the contract and brought my lawyer.
6. During the protests mounted policemen ……………….. the crowd.
7. The A-bomb ……………….. Hiroshima.
8. The rumours about a new terrorist attack ……………….. after the President’s speech.
9. Several submarines ……………….. during the second World War.
10. The body-guards will attempt to ……………….. the crowd but I have my doubts.
11. My father was expelled from school for ……………….. .
12. If the country comes under attack, we can ……………….. a much larger air force than this.
1. was paid off
2. do/does away with
3. fell out with
4. handed over
5. back out
6. broke up
7. wiped out
8. died down
9. were blown up
10. hold back
11. talking back
12. hold out against