Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd. Mi ismét nagyon izgalmas-mozgalmas napokat éltünk meg, kirándultunk, sétáltunk, és egyik kedvenc kedvtelésemnek, a főzőcskézésnek is hódoltam.
A héten egy izgalmas és érdekes témával fogunk foglalkozni, ami nem más, mint a történelem. Ma elsőként jöjjön egy olvasmány!
Jó tanulást!
History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. We can learn what happened in the past reading records of the past (like books, newspapers, letters) or by looking at old object and artefacts (like pottery, tools, human and animal remains).
A historian is somebody who studies history, while an archaeologist is a person who studies the past by looking for the remains and artefacts left by people who lived long time ago.
If you want to know more about the past, you can go to libraries, archives and museums that collect and keep things from the past.
Periods in history
Ancient Egypt:The Egyptian Empire, was a society that began about 3150 BC, and lasted until 20 BC when it was invaded by the Roman Empire.
Ancient Greece:Ancient Greece is called “the birthplace of Western civilisation”. About 2500 years ago, the Greeks created a way of life that other people admired and copied. Athenian democracy is the first known democracy in the world. Also, the Ancient Greeks started the Olympic Games and left new ideas in science, art and philosophy.
The Roman Empire:The Roman Empire was the largest empire of the ancient world. It dates from 27 BC, when Octavian became the Emperor, Augustus. The empire was the third stage of Ancient Rome. Rome was first ruled by Roman kings, then by the Roman Republic.
The Middle Ages:The Middle Ages are a time period in European history, which started around the year 476 CE with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and continued until around the time Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in 1492.
The Renaissance:The Renaissance is a period in the European history, beginning in about 1400. The Renaissance was seen as a rebirth of studying ancient times and gave humanity many famous artists, writers and philosophers.
The French Revolution:The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799, and ended when Napoleon Bonaparte became military dictator for fifteen years.
The early nineteenth century:The Realism and Romanticism of the early 19th century gave way to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism in the latter half of the century, with Paris being the dominant art capital of the world.
record – feljegyzés
artefact – tárgyi lelet
pottery – agyagedény
remain – maradvány
historian – történész
archaeologist – régész
archives – levéltár
society – társadalom
BC – Krisztus előtt
to last – időben tartani
to be invaded by – megszállva lenni valaki által
civilization – civilizáció
to admire – csodálni
Athenian democracy – athéni demokrácia
to be ruled by – valaki által uralva lenni
to discover – felfedezni
rebirth – újjászületés
humanity – emberiség