Ma tovább folytatjuk a szenvedő szerkezetes témát, és az általános tudnivalók után most egy feladatsort küldök neked.
Ne feledd márciusban induló tanfolyamainkat sem, amelyekre még a héten tudsz jelentkezni online, vagy személyesen nyelviskolánkban.
Ha nem vagy teljesen kezdő vagy újrakezdő, akkor mindenképpen érdemes a szintfelmérést is elvégezni online vagy személyesen (időpont egyeztetés után), hogy biztosan megtaláljuk számodra a legmegfelelőbb tanfolyamot.
Még egy nagyon fontos dolog! Az 5 Perc Angol magazin teljes VII. évada (2015. OKTÓBER-2016.SZEPEMBER) 12 lapszám, 12 óra letölthető hanganyag, több, mint 1000 oldal) most 9000 forint helyett 3250 Ft webáruházunkban vagy személyesen, amíg a készlet tart
Jó tanulást!
I. Ask passive questions based on the following sentences.
1.The professor answers the questions after the lecture. By whom ………..?
2. The band enjoyed playing the hit song. What ………..?
3. My father taught me to ski. By whom ……….?
4. We repainted the flat before we moved out. What ………….?
5. My aunt raised an interesting issue. By whom ………..?
6. The film critic writes very mean reviews. What kind of reviews …………?
II. Match the questions with the right answers.
Who was injured last night?
When was Yvette fired?
What do you think is implied by him?
Why weren’t you called?
When was this soup made?
Was Will really confronted by his mistress?
I have no idea, maybe it was too late to phone.
Late last night, do taste it.
Yes, it was an awful scene.
I think he wants us to leave.
Last week, right after the annual report.
It was Mary, two broken ribs.
III. Match the sentence endings with the beginnings.My neighbour’s garage
All your belongings
None of the boys
The chilli soup
The crime seen
The ambulance
have been found in the gym.
was cooked by my wife.
was demolished yesterday.
is being investigated right now.
was called by the family.
were seen at the party.
I. 1-are the questions answered, 2-was enjoyed by the band, 3-were you taught to ski, 4-was repainted, 5-was an interesting issue raised, 6-are written by the film critic
II. 1-f, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c
III.1-c, 2-a, 3-f, 4-b, 5-d, 6-e