Ma befejezzük folytatjuk a héten elkezdett munkahelyi angol témát, és ismét egy párbeszédet olvasunk el és hallgatunk meg (le is töltheted a hanganyagot).
Ne feledd a február eleji egyhetes intenzív angol “táborunk” karneváli különkiadását sem! A karneválozással és körutazással egybekötött egyhetes angolnyelvi túránkra (gyenge középhaladó szinttől már ajánlott), még van EGY HELY (!), sőt a felmerülő igények alapján a családosoknak lesz gyerek angol is!
Jó tanulást!
hanganyag meghallgatása: ITT
Peter: Good morning, Kate, how are you?
Kate: I’m fine, thank you. And you? Are you ready to start your new job?
Peter: I’m really looking forward to working here. My general induction training starts at 10 but I would appreciate some information on the daily schedule of the office.
Kate: We start between 8 and 9, except on Mondays. The department meeting starts at 8.30 sharp and everybody is supposed to be there.
Peter: So that is when we find out about the weekly tasks?
Kate: That’s right. But for a while you will only need to focus on your everyday tasks and the weekly report. I will help you fill in the time sheets as well.
Peter: Do you think you could give me a printout of my tasks? It would be really helpful.
Kate: For the next two weeks you’ll be shadowing Ross in the mornings and do your tasks in the afternoon. This is the list, just let me know if you can’t cope with something.
Peter: Thanks so much. When do you usually go on lunch break?
Kate: Between 12 to 1.30. But we must make sure that somebody stays here to pick up the phone, so we take turns.
Peter: Ok, got that. Anything else I must remember?
Kate: You must make sure your weekly time report is above 40 hours plus 2,5 hours lunchtime. As long as you stay above that, you can choose what time you arrive until 9 and leave after
4.30. At the induction training you will also get your username and password to the intranet.
Peter: All right, I see. Thank you so much.
Kate: Now I’ll introduce you to Ross and you two can discuss the weekly tasks he’ll be doing during the shadowing period.
to look forward to – várni valamit
general – általános
induction training – bevezető képzés
to appreciate – értékelni valamit
except – kivéve, valami kivételével
sharp – itt pontosan
to find out about – megtudni valamiről valamit
to focus on – valamire koncentrálni
to fill in – kitölteni (űrlapot)
time sheets – munkaidő-jelentő lap
helpful – hasznos, segítőkész
to shadow – valakit munka közben megfigyelni
to cope with – megbirkózni valamivel
to take turns – sorban csinálni valamit
as long as – feltéve ha, azzal a feltétellel
username – felhasználónév
password – jelszó
intranet – belső hálózat
to discuss – megbeszélni