Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd! Itt már javában tombol a nyár, úgyhogy strandoltuk, finomakat főztünk, sütöttünk egész hétvégén! Mivel most már tényleg közeleg a vakáció ideje is, amikor sokan útra kelnek. A héten ehhez fogok hasznos leckéket hozni neked, ma elsőként ez utazástervezésről szóló olvasmányt hasznos szókinccsel.
Ne feledd az aktuális óriás akciót sem! A kombinált nyelvtani rendszerző és tematikus szókincsfejlesztő videókurzus segítségével megtanulhatod, rendszerezheted és átismételheted a középfokig szükséges nyelvtani és szókincs témaköröket 40 darab 90 perces videó (azaz 60 órányi részletes és könnyen érthető videós magyarázat), rengeteg hanganyag és letölthető és nyomtatható pdf segítségével. Az órák bármikor és bármennyiszer újra megtekinthetők, így idő és térbeli korlátok nélkül tud mindenki tanulni!
Most a teljes csomagot:
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Várlak szeretettel!
Summer is a period for having fun. Most people consider summer the ideal time for a holiday because the weather is warm, the sun is shining, it gets dark late so there are lots of opportunities for outdoor activities.
Planning a holiday isn’t an easy thing to do. If you want everything to go smoothly you’d better start preparing for it well in advance. Some people start their holiday preparations in winter already and spend plenty of time with finding the best and most affordable accommodation, while others hunt for last minute bargains and take the cheapest possible option. Of course, for the latter you need quite a bit of flexibility and a place of work that is willing to let you go on holiday on a very short notice.
Whether you go in for package tours or individual travels is your personal preference. Both options have their pros and cons. In the age of the Internet it’s fairly easy to find and book accommodation. There are webpages where you can read other people’s reviews and opinions about virtually everything you might ask, and you can make a decision on the basis of them. The scale of accommodation is huge, from five-star hotels to couch surfing and Airbnb depending on what you can afford and what you’re comfortable with. If you choose couch surfing or Airbnb you might experience a special insight into the local culture of the country or the city that no five-star hotel would be able to provide you with. Your host might take you on a sightseeing tour and show you the sights and curiosities from the insider’s point of view, can cook you a meal or may just be a good companion to talk to in the evenings. Lasting friendships may be formed in this way and you can keep in touch even after the holiday is over.
Package tours on the other hand have other kinds of advantages. You don’t have to organize anything because everything is taken care of for you. All the little details are arranged, you’re just shown the beautiful pictures at the travel agency and have to pick the place that best suits you. After you’ve paid the price your only concern is to pack your bags and decide what to take with you and what to leave at home. However, if you like the liberty of making decisions and spontaneity, that’s not the right way of travelling to choose. In a group there’s always some kind of difficulty. People are different, they behave and talk differently. What’s evident and basic for somebody might sound to be outrageous for someone else. People can be rude, loud and inconsiderate and it’s not easy to relax in a stressful atmosphere. In a group someone is always late in the morning and doesn’t get back on time during the day. Not to mention the delicate question of toilet breaks on the way which can take up more time than you would imagine. On package tours there’s usually a guide that you can turn to in case a problem arises, but sometimes they’re still unable to help you even if they do their best.
The advantage of having a guide for the whole journey is that you don’t have to get involved in official business. It’s the guide who talks to the driver, to the receptionist at hotels, he or she pays the entrance fees and buys the tickets wherever they’re needed. From the point of view of speaking and practising a foreign language package tours aren’t very advantageous. It may happen that even if you’re for example in Great Britain, you won’t utter a word in English apart from some greetings because the guide does the job for you. On the other hand, guides relate to you various pieces of interesting information while you’re travelling. If you prick your ears you will hear and learn things that you would otherwise never come across if you travelled on your own.
Accommodation is a crucial point in a holiday and so is the means of transport you take. Time is an important factor to take into consideration. Flying takes up the least time, but of course it’s the most expensive way to get to your destination. If you’re lucky though and book flights in time you may travel with budget airlines for a really small amount of money. Bus rides and travelling by car are time consuming and sometimes exhausting especially if you have to cover long distances. On the other hand you see much more on the way and you can take amazing photos as well.
Whichever way of travelling you decide on, you have fun times ahead. Adventures are waiting on the way, so don’t hesitate to take the trouble to do all the necessary arrangements so that you can have the time of your life this summer.
to get dark – sötétedni
smoothly – simán
well in advance – jó előre
affordable – megengedhető, megfizethető
to hunt for sg – vadászni valamire
bargain – olcsó ajánlat
flexibility – rugalmasság
on a very short notice – nagyon rövid átfutással
to go in for – érdeklődni valami iránt
package tour – csoportos, szervezett utazás
individual travel – egyéni utazás
to book – lefoglalni
virtually – gyakorlatilag
scale – skála
curiosity – különlegesség
insider’s point of view – a helyiek szemszögéből
lasting friendship – tartós barátság
detail – részlet
your only concern is – csak azzal kell törődnöd, hogy…
liberty – szabadság
outrageous – felháborító
rude – durva, udvariatlan
inconsiderate – tapintatlan
delicate question – érzékeny kérdés
toilet break – „pisiszünet”, vécészünet
entrance fee – belépődíj
advantageous – előnyös
to utter – kimondani
apart from – valamitől eltekintve
to prick sy’s ears – hegyezni a fülét
crucial – döntő jelentőségű
destination – úticél
in time – idejében
budget airline – fapados légitársaság
time consuming – sok időt emészt fel
exhausting – kimerítő
to take the trouble to do sg – venni a fáradságot valamire
the time of your life – életed legjobb élménye