A heti állatos témánk következő epizódjában papagájokkal fogunk foglalkozni – nem tudom, te hogy vagy a madarakkal, de ha nem a kedvenceid, azért akkor is olvasd el a mai leckét:)
Ne feledd, hogy már csak pár nap, és ismét itt a Valentin-nap. Lehet, hogy nem vagy a legnagyobb rajongója ennek az ünnepnek, de azért olvass tovább! A tanulás egyedül is élvezet, de párban gyakorolni is tudtok! Hozd magaddal családodat, barátaidat, szerelmedet, és tanuljatok együtt velem!
Azért, hogy még kedvezőbb áron juthass (vagyis juthassatok) hozzá a kurzusokhoz, könyvekhez és magazinokhoz, ismét hoztam egy új, 50% kedvezményt adó kuponkódot is, amely érvényes az összeállításban minden VIDEÓKURZUSRA!
Ami akciós, az pedig már elve sokkal kedvezményesebben kapható (ezekre nem érvényes a kód, de így is olyan majdnem, mintha lenne hozzá:)
Nézd meg a kínálatot, és használd a valentine2024 kuponkódot!
Most pedig jöjjenek a madarak!
Budgies are delightful birds and suitable pets for people of all ages. They make great companions because they are lively and chatty. If you are about to get your first one, there are a few points to consider. You’ll want to select the right bird for you. Also, you need to create the right environment to keep your new pal healthy and happy.
Selecting a budgie
As a first-time owner, you’ll benefit from choosing a young bird, although it should be over eight weeks so that it’s ready to leave its mother. Juveniles are more straightforward to tame than old birds that may be set in their ways. When making a selection, consider personality first and then appearance.
Budgies can have big personalities, and you may prefer certain qualities. For example, shy, quiet birds or those that seem aggressive don’t make great pets for beginners. Those that are chirpy, bright, and curious are most suitable.
It’s also helpful to contemplate whether you want a male or female bird. Hens can be harder to train than cocks. They can, however, talk, despite rumors that only males have this ability. If you buy more than one, remember cocks and hens may breed. You could end up with a bigger budgie family than you anticipated.
Buy your budgie from a reliable breeder who can give you advice. Also, if you do take on an older bird, ask whether it is used to being handled. You may be disappointed if your budgie doesn’t want to interact with you as much as you do with them.
Cage, accessories, and food
Budgies thrive in pleasant surroundings. They like to fly and play. Consequently, get a large cage if you can. The bars mustn’t be wider than 12mm apart, or your new pet might escape. There should be vertical bars and horizontal ones so your pet can climb.
Install a few perches if some aren’t inside the cage since budgies like to roost. You’ll need a seed bowl, water bowl, cuttlefish, and various toys because your bird will want to have fun. Budgies need mental stimulation and enjoy bells to knock and millet sprigs to shred.
Grit spread lightly over a newspaper floor lining of the cage aids digestion. At the same time, give your bird a mineral and vitamin seed mixture. Add it to regular budgie seed, which you can buy from a pet store.
Remember, budgies are social creatures. Although this might be why you like them, you won’t want your pet waking you early in the morning to say hello. With this in mind, buy a cage cover to shut out the light. As long as it’s dark, your new pal will imagine it’s not the time to awaken.
You’ll find your budgie a great friend, providing constant companionship and affection. Select a youngster who’s curious and pleased to be with you. Also, buy a suitable cage, food, and accessories, and your pet will be happy.