Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd! Elnézést kérek, hogy tegnap, hétfőn kimaradt a lecke, de az 5 Perc Angol Magazin márciusi számán dolgoztunk, amelynek vasárnap volt a lapzártája. Hétfőn hajnali 3.30-ra kész is lett minden, és bevallom elaludtunk utána,mint a bunda … egészen hajnali 6-ig:- )
A legújabb szám címlapját itt nézheted meg:
… és itt megnézheted azt is, amikor elkészült a címlap a nyomdában:
A héten pedig ruhákkal fogunk foglalkozni, ezen belül is a pólókkal, azaz a T-shirtekkel.
Ezzek kapcsolatban ajánlanék neked egy új weboldalt! A site-on a saját arcképeddel és testalkatoddal tudsz létrehozni egy próbababát, amelyen megnézheted, hogy hogyan állnak a legmenőbb cuccok! Persze az is lényeges, hogy még az angolt is gyakorolhatod!
Jó tanulást!
You’ve worn them since you were a baby. You throw them on without thinking twice. Like a pair of jeans, the humble T-shirt is a building block of a man’s wardrobe. You can wear it in many ways, dressing them up or down depending on the occasion.
The T-shirt evolved from undergarments used in the 19th century, through cutting the one-piece "union suit" underwear into separate top and bottom garments, with the top long enough to tuck under the waistband of the bottoms. T-shirts, with and without buttons, were adopted by minersand stevedoresduring the late 1800’s as a convenient covering for hot environments.
During W.W.I, American troops wore wool uniforms during hot summer days in Europe and noticed European soldiers wearing lightweight cotton undershirts. This cool apparel caught on fast with the Americans and by W.W.II, both the Army and the Navy included them in their uniforms.
Up until the 1950’s, t-shirts were still considered underwear, until John Wayne, Marlon Brando, and James Dean shocked Americans by wearing their “underwear” on T.V. In 1955, James Dean helped make the T-shirt a standard item of clothing in Rebel Without a Cause.
Named the T-shirt due to the shape of the garment’s outline, they soon became popular as a bottom layer of clothing for workers in various industries, including agriculture. The T-shirt was easily fitted, easily cleaned, and inexpensive, and for this reason, it became the shirt of choice for young boys (perhaps more the choice of their mothers than of the boys themselves).
Of course, when it comes to T-shirts, what’s in vogue changes on a regular basis. This means that while some pieces in this category are classics, others are more transient, shifting in popularity according to the fashion whims.
to throw sth on [tu θrəʊ ɒn] magára dob valamit
humble [ˈhʌmbl̩] szerény
building block [ˈbɪldɪŋ blɒk] alappillér
occasion [əˈkeɪʒn̩] alkalom
to tuck under [tu tʌk ˈʌndə] betűr (nadrágba)
undergarment [ˈʌndəɡɑːmənt] alsóruházat
stevedore [ˈstiːvədɔː] rakodómunkás
troop [truːp] sereg
lightweight [ˈlaɪtweɪt] könnyű
to catch on fast [tu kætʃ ɒn fɑːst] gyorsan sikeres lesz
to be considered sth [tu bi kənˈsɪdəd] vminek tartják
in vogue [ɪn vəʊɡ] divatos
transient [ˈtrænzɪənt] múlandó
whim [wɪm] hóbort
It’s hard to imagine life without the t-shirt. Yet, “t-shirt” didn’t become a word in the English dictionary until the 1920’s and the style didn’t enter mainstream fashion until the 1960’s.