Ma tovább folytatjuk a veszélyeztetett állatok témáját, és megnézünk néhány olyan fajt, amelyek komoly veszélyben vannak, és manapsgá alig pár száz darab él már csak belőlük a földön.
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Ha mégis inkább élveznéd még a telet és a havat, akkor ajánlom figyelmedbe a portál ajánlatait, sőt, még egy kedvezménykupont is letölthetsz az utazásokhoz 4000 Ft értékben! Mi decemberben mát kipróbáltunk egy havas-síelős-szánkózós helyet, és szuper három napot töltöttünk ott (pedig nem is tudunk síelni)!
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Az ajándékutalványt pedig itt töltheted le:
Jó tanulást!
How many animals do you know that are in danger of extinction?
How many animals do you know that are in danger of extinction?
Siberian tiger
There are less than 200 Siberian tigers, and they live in nature reserves. The Siberian tiger has nearly died out because poachers killed the animals for their skin and meat. They are also in danger because losing their habitat.
Loggerhead Turtle
This is quite a common turtle that lives in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea and can also be found in the Atlantic Ocean. It is in serious danger. It is not only hunted for its meat and eggs, but it also gets caught in fishing nets. What’s more, in Turkey huge hotels are built directly on its breeding ground.
Jackass penguin
The Jackass penguin is one of the ten most endangered species in the world. This penguin used to live in very large numbers in South Africa, but today it is constantly in danger because of oil spills and pollution.
Black rhinoceros
Today there are less than 2500 black rhinos left in the world. Living in West Africa, they are mainly victims of poaching, as there is still a great demand for their horns.
Yangtze River dolphin
This fresh water dolphin lives in Eastern China’s busiest waterway. This dolphin is endangered by the pollution of the river.
Bactrian camel
There are less than 1000 of these Gobi desert camels left in the world. It is a two-humped camel with long, narrow nostrils that the camel can close in sandstorms. It also has two rows of eyelashes to protect its eyes. Although it used to live in a very harsh environment, the loss of habitat and hunting has almost made it extinct.
Africa’s most endangered antelope is dying out because of poaching and loss of habitat. There are only 600 of them left in eastern Africa.
Great apes of Africa and Asia
Gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos that live in African regions are hunted for commercial meat trade. In Asia, deforestation and construction are the main causes why the orangutans are in danger.
Apart from the listed animals, polar bears, pandas, koalas, cheetahs, snow leopards and grizzly bears can also become extinct in the near future.
nature reserve – természetvédelmi terület
to die out – kihal
poacher – orvvadász
in danger – veszélyben
habitat – élőhely
common – megszokott, egyszerű
to be hunted for – vadásznak rá valami miatt
to get caught – megfogják, elejtik (vadat)
fishing net– halászháló
breeding ground – tenyészterület
constantly – állandóan
oil spill – olajfolt
pollution – környezetszennyezés
mainly – főként
victim of – valaminek az áldozata
great demand for – nagy igény valami iránt
horn – szarv
fresh-water – édesvíz
two-humped – kétpupú
nostril – orrlyuk
eyelashes – szempilla
to protect – véd
harsh environment – durva/kegyetlen környezet
extinct – kihalt
commercial – kereskedelmi
deforestation – erdőírtás
cheetah – gepárd