Képzeld, 16 nap kórház után tegnap végre hazaengedték Fridát a kórházból, úgyhogy ismét együtt a család!
Tegnap hajnalban elkészül a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin júniusi száma is, így bár nagyon fáradtak vagyunk, nagyon örülünk, mert mire elkészültünk újra mindenki együtt volt.
Ma tovább folytatjuk a hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladatokat, és ismét két szöveget nézünk meg: egyet alapfokon, egyet pedig középfokon.
A tegnapi alapfokú szöveghez készítettünk szószedetet is, ezt itt nézheted meg, ha szeretnél ismételni: ALAPFOK HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS 2012.05.27.
Ha pedig szeretsz főzni, és még az angolt is gyakorolnád közben, akkor ajánlom figyelmedbe az epres-mandulás rolád receptjét, természetesen angolul szószedettel. Ezt itt találod: STRAWBERRY-ALMOND ROULADE
Jó tanulást!
ALAPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
1. The lady was ill so she was taken to hospital.
2. Nobody reacted to the supermarket alarm.
3. The lady spent New Year’s Eve in the supermarket with the security guard.
4. She went to sleep in the office.
5. She didn’t take any food or drink from the shelves.
The pensioner who got trapped in supermarket over New Year but was too polite to take any food or drink!
Elderly French woman had felt faint and gone to the toilet, but when she came out the store was completely deserted. The 73-year-old, who has not been named, felt faint and went into a supermarket toilet for a few minutes. But when she came out the entire store had been shut down for the new year holiday and was completely deserted. The pensioner set off an alarm, but nobody came, and so instead had to spend the entire night wandering around the aisles.
A spokesman for the store said that the woman had tried to sleep in a back office, but had been unable to. ‘She didn’t think to help herself to food or drink in the shop,’ he added. The supermarket was packed with seasonal goods, including champagne, truffles and other luxury snacks. The woman was eventually found by a member of staff on New Year’s Day. She was taken to hospital for health checks and, despite her ordeal, was given a clean bill of health.
source: Daily Mail
Answers: 1 – F, 2 – T, 3 – F, 4 – F, 5 – T
KÖZÉPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
Burglar at the window: Householder turns detective to track down intruder after his computer webcam catches him breaking in with a crowbar
1. Minek köszönhető, hogy a rendőrségnek sikerült a betőrőket azonosítani?
2. Miért volt Averynek oka aggódni?
3. Milyen volt a vádlott hozzáállása a bíróságon?
4. Milyen volt a rendőrség hozzáállása?
5. Hogy sikerült végül rács mögé juttatni a betörőt?
Burglar at the window: Householder turns detective to track down intruder after his computer webcam catches him breaking in with a crowbar
Peering menacingly through the french doors, the hooded burglar Mohammed Prince Islam is preparing to break into a house. Seconds later he and a young accomplice used a crowbar to smash the glass and sneak inside. Then they helped themselves to householder Mark Avery’s Playstation, games and other goods worth a total of £800. The pair thought they were in the clear because they had spotted and disabled a security camera outside the three-bedroom house Mr Avery shares with his mother in Southampton. But unknown to them, 42-year-old Mr Avery had switched on his computer’s webcam before he and his mother left for work that morning, and the whole break-in was clearly captured.
Mr Avery said: ‘As I was leaving I decided to switch it on. I don’t know what made me do it, I just had a bad feeling. And I’m glad I did, it cost only about £40 but the quality of the images was pretty good.’ Mr Avery, who had installed CCTV outside his home after being burgled twice previously, turned the footage over to police and both intruders were charged with burglary.
Despite the clear evidence, 26-year-old Islam protested his innocence at Southampton Crown Court in July. He was convicted and bailed but failed to turn up for the next hearing in August, so Mr Avery, a sales supervisor who was recently made redundant, stepped in again to bring the offender to justice. He said: ‘My friends and I had seen him brazenly walking around town at least ten times and had reported the sightings to the police. Nothing happened, it was very frustrating. Someone had to do something, I couldn’t stand by and watch him go about his business without being punished.’ Eventually, with the help of his friends, Mr Avery found out that Islam was working in a city centre shop. He was re-arrested and jailed for 30 months in December.
source: Daily Mail
1) Minek köszönhető, hogy a rendőrségnek sikerült a betörőket azonosítani?
Mark Avery valamilyen rossz megérzésből a számítógépe kameráját is bekapcsolta mielőtt elindult dolgozni, amely felvette a betörést.
2) Miért volt Averynek oka aggódni?
Mert előzőleg már kétszer is betörtek hozzá, ami miatt kamerát szerelt a ház udvarára.
3) Milyen volt a vádlott hozzáállása a bíróságon?
Ártatlannak vallotta magát a bizonyíték ellenére, és nem jelent meg a következő tárgyaláson sem.
4) Milyen volt a rendőrség hozzáállása?
Avery és barátai legalább tízszer tettek bejelentést a rendőrségen, hogy a betörőt látták a városban, semmit sem tettek.
5) Hogy sikerült végül rács mögé juttatni a betörőt?
Avery a barátai segítségével kinyomozta, hogy Islam egy belvárosi boltban dolgozik, ahol ismét letartóztatták.