Ma tovább folytatjuk a hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladatsorainkat, amelyek egy alap- és egy középfokú hanganyagot tartalmaznak, rá vonatkozó kérdésekkel. Hogy még sikeresebb legyen a megértés, mellékeltem a szöveget, és természetesen a megoldásokat is.
Holnap megjelenik a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin júniusi száma is, ebből nem sokára mutatok majd egy kis ízelítőt!
Addig is jó tanulást!
ALAPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
Fast food children ‘develop lower IQs’: Junk diet has a lasting effect, warn experts
Children given more fast food meals will grow up to have a lower IQ than those who regularly eat freshly-cooked meals, according to a study. Childhood nutrition has long lasting effects on IQ, even after previous intelligence and wealth and social status are taken into account, it found. The study examined whether the type of main meal that children ate each day had an impact on their cognitive ability and growth. It looked at 4,000 Scottish children aged three to five years old and compared fast food with freshly-cooked food.
The study, undertaken by an academic at Goldsmiths, University of London, found that parents with a higher socio-economic status reported that they gave their children meals prepared with fresh ingredients more often, which positively affected their IQ. Lower socio-economic status was linked to more children having fast food, which led to lower intelligence.
Dr Sophie von Stumm, from the department of psychology at Goldsmiths, said: ‘It’s common sense that the type of food we eat will affect brain development, but previous research has only looked at the effects of specific food groups on children’s IQ rather than at generic types of meals. ‘This research will go some way to providing hard evidence to support the various high-profile campaigns aimed at reducing the amount of fast food consumed by children in the UK.’
Dr von Stumm said her findings highlighted that differences in children’s meals were also a social problem. ‘Mothers and fathers from less privileged backgrounds often have less time to prepare a freshly cooked meal from scratch for their children,’ she said. ‘These children score lower on intelligence tests and often struggle in school. Schools in less privileged areas must do even more to balance children’s diet, so that they can achieve their cognitive potential. It shows that the freshness and quality of food matters more than just being full, in particular when children are young and developing.’
source: Daily Mail
Answers: 1-t, 2-t, 3-f, 4-t, 5-f
KÖZÉPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
The vanishing fruit and veg: Warning of shortages and price rises as British crops are hit by bad weather
1. Miért lesz hiánycikk a zöldség és a gyümölcs?
2. Hogyan fogják a boltok megoldani a beszerzést, és ez hogyan fogja érinteni a vásárlókat?
3. Mely alapvető élelmiszerek és zöldségek, gyümölcsök ára emelkedik jelentősen?
4. Milyen küllemű áruval kell majd a vásárlóknak megelégedni?
5. Milyen lépésre szánta el magát a Sainsbury’s és a Tesco, hogy megoldást találjon?
Fast food children ‘develop lower IQs’: Junk diet has a lasting effect, warn experts
Children given more fast food meals will grow up to have a lower IQ than those who regularly eat freshly-cooked meals, according to a study. Childhood nutrition has long lasting effects on IQ, even after previous intelligence and wealth and social status are taken into account, it found. The study examined whether the type of main meal that children ate each day had an impact on their cognitive ability and growth. It looked at 4,000 Scottish children aged three to five years old and compared fast food with freshly-cooked food.
The study, undertaken by an academic at Goldsmiths, University of London, found that parents with a higher socio-economic status reported that they gave their children meals prepared with fresh ingredients more often, which positively affected their IQ. Lower socio-economic status was linked to more children having fast food, which led to lower intelligence.
Dr Sophie von Stumm, from the department of psychology at Goldsmiths, said: ‘It’s common sense that the type of food we eat will affect brain development, but previous research has only looked at the effects of specific food groups on children’s IQ rather than at generic types of meals. ‘This research will go some way to providing hard evidence to support the various high-profile campaigns aimed at reducing the amount of fast food consumed by children in the UK.’
Dr von Stumm said her findings highlighted that differences in children’s meals were also a social problem. ‘Mothers and fathers from less privileged backgrounds often have less time to prepare a freshly cooked meal from scratch for their children,’ she said. ‘These children score lower on intelligence tests and often struggle in school. Schools in less privileged areas must do even more to balance children’s diet, so that they can achieve their cognitive potential. It shows that the freshness and quality of food matters more than just being full, in particular when children are young and developing.’
source: Daily Mail
1. Nyár elején a rossz idő miatt nehéz volt ültetni, mostanában pedig özönvízszerű esők árasztották el a földeket, ezért sok helyen nem lehet betakarítani a termést.
2. Kénytelenek lesznek importálni, ami magasabb árakat eredményez, és érzékenyen fogja érinteni a vásárlókat, akiknek az utóbbi hatvan évben sosem kellett ennyire meghúzni a nadrágszíjat.
3. Az almáé, répáé, burgonyáé, a rossz búzatermés miatt a kenyér és tésztafélék ára.
4. A szupermarketek nem fogják tudni biztosítani a szépségdíjas szintet, ezért ‘csúnyább’, vagyis kisebb, nem tökéletes formájú és héjú árut találnak majd a polcokon.
5. A Sainsbury’s most először fog külföldről importálni bizonyos zöldségeket, pl. burgonyát és répát, a Tesco pedig a boltokban kihelyezett táblákon kér elnézést a vásárlóktól, az rossz időjárásra hivatkozva.