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Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!
be/live in a dream world – álomvilágban élni
to have ideas or hopes which are not practical and are not likely to be successful. If she thinks he’s suddenly going to turn into the perfect boyfriend, she’s living in a dream world.(usually in continuous tenses)
beyond your wildest dreams – a legmerészebb álmaidban sem
far more than you could have hoped for or imagined. Twenty years later the company has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.Her books have brought her riches beyond her wildest dreams.
Dream on! (humorous) – Álmodozz csak!
something that you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen. ‘I’ve a feeling I’ll win something on the lottery this week.’ ‘Dream on!’
not in my wildest dreams – még a legmerészebb álmaimban sem
if you say that you did not imagine something in your wildest dreams, you mean that something that has happened was so strange that you never thought it would happen. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d actually carry out her threat.Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined England winning 4-1.
In your dreams! (humorous) – Álmaidban!
something that you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen. Dave, buy you a car? In your dreams!
like a dream –mint egy álom
if something or someone does something like a dream, they do it very well. Everything had happened as it was meant to. Oscar’s plan had worked like a dream.Our new car goes like a dream.
the man/woman/something of your dreams – álmaid férfija/nője
the person or thing that you would like more than any other. I’m not sure I’ll ever meet the man of my dreams, or if he even exists.At last, we’d found it, the house of our dreams.
a dream came true – egy álom vált valóra
something that has been desired for a long time that has happened as hoped for. Our vacation by the ocean was a dream come true.