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Most pedig engedd meg, hogy megragadjam az alkalmat és nagyon boldog új évet kívánjak neked és családodnak! Remélem a 2016-os évben is velünk tartasz a tanulásban!
Jó tanulást és nagyon bolog új évet kívánok!
1. To ring in the New Year in Spain, it is traditional to do what on each chime of the clock?
a) eat a grape
b) take a sip of wine
c) clap your hands
d) light a candle
2. In many places, the coming of the New Year is celebrated by singing the traditional Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne”. What does “auld lang syne” mean?
a) New Year’s Day
b) Till we meet again
c) sweet memories
d) old long ago
3. In the Jewish New Year celebration, what is eaten to symbolize a sweet new year?
a) apples and honey
b) chocolate
c) fruit cake
d) honey cake
4. In Italy, what do people do on New Year’s Day to bring good luck in the coming year?
a) go to mass
b) wear red underwear
c) eat black-eyed peas
d) all of above
5. Under which of the following calendars is New Year’s Day observed on January 1?
a) Christian
b) Roman
c) Julian
d) Gregorian
6. Why do the Chinese celebrate the New Year by letting off firecrackers?
a) to commemorate departed family members
b) to encourage good luck in the coming year
c) to scare away evil spirits
d) all of above
7. How is the New Year festival of Songkran celebrated in Thailand?
a) visiting family
b) parading statues of Buddha
c) throwing water at passer-by
d) all of the above
8. What determines the date of the Chinese New Year?
a) the first full moon after the winter solstice
b) the second new moon after the winter solstice
c) the Friday after the first full moon after the winter solstice
d) none of the above
9. What is the Jewish New Year called?
a) Hanukkah
b) Yom Kippur
c) Rosh Hashanah
d) Bar Mitzvah
10. Ecuador has a unique New Year’s Eve tradition, the burning of “old years” in public places. What are they?
a) bonfires
b) old clothes
c) newspapers and magazines from the previous year
d) effigies representing people and events from the previous year
11. In the United States, the coming of the New Year is celebrated by the lowering of a gigantic crystal ball. Where does this event take place?
a) Central Park
b) Times Square
c) Yankee Stadium
d) The Statue of Liberty
chime – harangszó
to celebrate – ünnepel
to bring good luck – jó szerencsét hoz
to be observed – megünneplésre kerül
to let off firecrackers – petárdákat durrant
to commemorate – megemlékezik
departed – elhunyt
to encourage –bátorít
to scare away – elűz
evil spirit – gonosz szellem
to parade – felvonul
passer-by –járókelő
to determine – meghatároz
full moon – telihold
solstice – napforduló
bonfire – máglya
effigy – képmás
to take place – megrendezésre kerül
answers:1-a, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d, 6-c, 7-d, 8-b, 9-c, 10-d, 11-b