Ma tovább folytatjuk az olvasással kapcsolatos szókincsfejlesztést: ma könyvtárba megyünk! A párbeszédhez hanganyag is tartozik!
Ne feledd a nyári akciót sem! Olvass, tanulj, gyakorolj velünk akár a strandon is, most ÓRIÁSI KEDVEZMÉNNYEL! 9540 Ft helyett MOST 4990 Ft!
12 lapszám, 12 órányi hanganyag (mobiltelefonnal is meghallgatható), több mint 1100 oldal és feladat.
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Jó tanulást!
hanganyag meghallgatása: ITT
Girl: Are you coming with me? I’m going to the library.
Boy: Are you kidding? Your house is full of books. Why do you want to go to the library?
Girl: Believe it or not I’ve run out of books. It’s true that we have hundreds of books at home, but we don’t have newly published ones and I like to be up-to-date with books.
Boy: But you have got an e-reader and you can buy or download numerous e-books from the Internet.
Girl: Well, yes, but it’s not the same. It’s very practical and I use it as an alternative way of reading when I’m on the go and I don’t want to take heavy books with me, but at home I only read ‘real’ books. I like the smell of them, I like to touch them. It’s a different
Boy: What kind of books are you interested in?
Girl: I usually read novels. The longer they are the better read they make. I’m also interested in history. I often read in English. It’s good practice and in the library they have a good selection of English books. What about you?
Boy: I’m not so keen on reading, as you know. I always read the set readings for school and I like poems, but I mostly read on my computer. It’s a very convenient way of being well-informed. Everything is available on the Internet.
Girl: So, you’re a real mouse potato…
Boy: I guess, I am. But I’m not different from most of the boys in class.
Girl: I know. But it’s high time you spent an afternoon without your computer and came to the library with me. I’ll show you a different world. You won’t be bored, I promise.
Boy: OK, you’ve convinced me. Let’s give it a try.
Are you kidding?– Viccelsz?
Believe it or not.– Akár hiszed, akár nem.
to run out of something– kifogyni valamiből
It’s not the same.– Az nem ugyanaz.
to be on the go– úton lenni
The longer they are the better read they make.– Minél hosszabbak, annál jobb olvasmányok.
It’s good practice.– Ez jó gyakorlás.
a good selection of English books– angol könyvek nagy választéka
What about you? – És te?Veled mi a helyzet?
I guess, I am. – Igen, szerintem az vagyok.
It’s high time…– Éppen ideje, hogy…
Let’s give it a try.– Próbáljuk meg!
full of sg– tele van valamivel
newly published– újonnan kiadott
up-to-date– naprakész
e-reader– e-könyv-olvasó
to download– letölteni
numerous– számos, sok
novel– regény
to be keen on– szívesen csinálni, szeretni valamit
set reading– kötelező olvasmány
poem– vers
convenient– kényelmes
available– elérhető
mouse potato– aki sok időt tölt számítógép előtt
to convince– meggyőzni