Ön dönt: iszik vagy beszédet mond:- )

Mariah Carey enyhén spicces állapotban vette át a neki szóló díjat a Palm Springs-i nemzetközi filmfesztiválon!

Mariah Carey was clearly on cloud nine at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. Picking up her Best Supporting Actress prize, alongside Precious director Lee Daniels, the singer giggled, slurred her words occassionally and then launched into a long, rambling speech.

She and Daniels danced onto the stage before she gave him a big hug and told him that she loved him.

“This is,” she said, hesitating for a few seconds and then sighing. “And please forgive me,” she continued, “because I’m a little bit…”

An audience member shouted out, seemingly implying the star may have been drinking, to which Carey replied, “Yeah!”, adding a long, hearty laugh.

“Oooooooh, my goodness!” she bellowed.

source: Yahoo News


Watch the video here:

to be on cloud nine – nagyon örül vminek
to pick up sth – felvesz, átvesz vmit
best supporting actress – legjobb n?i mellékszerepl?
alongside – mellett
to slurr the words – érthetetlenül beszél, hadar
rambling – elkalandozó
to hesitate – hezitál, habozik
to sigh – sóhajt, sóhajtozik
to imply – utal vmire
hearty – szívb?l jöv?, nagy

Nézzük, hogy a DRUNK szó mellett, hogyan lehet még kifejezni, hogy valaki részeg:- )

tipsy (be van csípve), boozed up bepiált), wasted (tajtrészeg) , loaded (tajtrészeg) , pissed (részeg) , drunk as a skunk (részeg, mint egy görény…:- )