JOB INTERVIEWS – Part time job / Full time job (állásinterjú angolul)

Állásinterjú angolul: A következő két mini párbeszéd a segítségedre lehet, ha angolul kell állásinterjúznod.




Man: Hello, Maureen, nice to meet you.
Woman: Hello Mr. Radfield, nice to meet you.
Man: So you’re interested in working as a waitress. Why should I hire you?
Woman: I had a summer job as a waitress the past two years in our local café and I believe I did well. I put the owner, Mrs Fox down in the references section on my CV.
Man: How many hours would you like to work?
Woman: The position you advertised is an evening part-time job. I would be happy to work Monday to Friday.
Man: Restaurants are at their busiest Friday and Saturday nights. Could you do Saturdays?
Woman: I’m sure I can manage Saturdays during the summer but I’ll be at college starting from September. Is there any chance of swapping two workdays for Saturday? I’m sure you’ll understand that I also need to do some coursework and that would be impossible if I have to work 6 evenings out of 7.
Man: I’ll have to think this over. Now tell me about a major problem you recently handled.
Woman: Last year we had a difficult client who sent back a perfectly good pizza for some reason. I offered him a tea and a biscuit on the house while he was waiting for the new pizza. Luckily, that calmed him down, as I hoped.
Man: Did you ask the manager if you were allowed to offer anything on the house?
Woman: There was no time, he was just about to start shouting. But it turned out to be the right decision.

So you’re interested in working as a waitress. Szóval pincérnőként szeretne dolgozni.
Why should I hire you?Miért kellene felvennem (pont Önt)?
I put the owner, Mrs Fox down in the references section on my CV.Az önéletrajzomban a referenciák közé beírtam a tulajdonost, Mrs. Foxot.
The position you advertised is an evening part-time job.A meghirdetett állás egy esti részmunkaidős állás.
I’ll have to think this over.  – Ezt még át kell gondolnom.
Now tell me about a major problem you recently handled. – Most pedig meséljen egy nagyobb problémáról, amit nemrégiben kellett megoldania.



Woman: Hello Jim, I’m glad you could come at such short notice.
Man: Hello Ms Diaz. Luckily, I was in town today – sorry I’m not dressed appropriately, I wasn’t expecting an interview. I’m completely aware of office dress codes.
Woman: No problem, I understand. After your internship last summer we were really glad to receive your application.
Man: I really enjoyed working here last year and now I have my degree I’m looking for a proper job.
Woman: Based on your previous experience we can offer you a full-time position starting the first of next month.
Man: I had a taste of how this company works last year. What are the responsibilities of this position?
Woman: For the month of August you’d be doing the same job as last year. You can take over during the month of September from Claire, the Finance Department secretary. You do remember her, don’t you? She’s going on maternity leave.
Man: Is overtime expected?
Woman: Not at all, except during the yearly budget review.
Man: I am definitely interested. Can I have some more details, please?

I’m glad you could come at such short notice. – Örülök, hogy ilyen rövid időn belül el tudott jönni.
I’m completely aware of office dress codes. – Teljesen tisztában vagyok az irodai öltözködési szabályokkal.
After your internship last summer we were really glad to receive your application. – A tavaly nyári szakmai gyakorlata után nagyon örültünk a jelentkezésének.
I really enjoyed working here last year and now I have my degree I’m looking for a proper job.  – Tavaly nagyon szerettem itt dolgozni, és most, hogy megvan a diplomám, keresek egy rendes állást.
Based on your previous experience we can offer you a full-time position starting the first of next month. – Az eddigi tapasztalatai alapján teljes munkaidős állást tudunk felajánlani Önnek a jövő hónap első napjától.
What are the responsibilities of this position? – Milyen feladatok vannak ebben a pozícióban?
Is overtime expected? – Várható túlóra?
Not at all, except during the yearly budget review. – Egyáltalán nem, kivéve az éves költségvetés felülvizsgálata során.