USED to, GET USED to and BE USED to


Gyakorlófeladatok a "hozzászokik, megszokta, régebben szokott" kifejezések gyakorlására. 

to be used to doing something = az az állapot, amikor már hozzászokott valamihez
to get used to doing something = megszokni valamit, hozzászokni valamihez 

I. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of ‘be used to’ or ‘get used to.’

1. I don’t like this car. I can’t ……………….. the gearshift. It keeps getting stuck.

2. My grandmother doesn’t mind getting up early. She ……………….. it.

3. Many foreigners find the traffic confusing in London. They ……………….. driving on the left.

4. Jill ……………….. drinking loads of coffee during her university years.

5. Don’t worry about the dog. It ……………….. living outside, so it won’t be cold.

6. After becoming a manager, Mike had to ……………….. working long hours.

7. The children ……………….. their new teacher in a week. She was really nice.

8. When George moved to China he ……………….. Chinese food. It was all new for him.

9. I’m out of here. I ……………….. being shouted at.

10. Mary was sad when her husband went to work abroad. Then she ……………….. it and is not feeling down.


to be used to doing something = az az állapot, amikor már hozzászokott valamihez
used to do something = régi szokások elmesélésére használt forma 

II. Pick the correct form to make a meaningful sentence.

1. My sister ……………….. work in the city centre.

a) used to
b) is used to

2. I ……………….. going jogging in all weathers. I don’t mind the wind.

a) used to
b) am used to

3. Jake and Tom ……………….. water ski when they were in high school.

a) used to
b) were used to

4. When I was a child, people ……………….. wash their cars themselves.

a) were used to
b) used to

5. Don’t worry, my mum ……………….. parties. She doesn’t mind the noise.

a) used to
b) is used to

6. Jim ……………….. driving a tractor. He has a farm.

a) is used to
b) used to

7. My grandfather has been living alone for ten years. Now he ……………….. it.

a) used to
b) is used to

8. Many people ……………….. eating popcorn at the cinema.

a) are used to
b) used to


I. 1-get used to 2-is used to 3-aren’t used to 4-got used to 5-is used to 6-get used to 7-got used to 8-wasn’t used to 9-am not used to 10-got used to
II. 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-b 5-b 6-a 7-b 8-a

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