1.to have bunged up/blocked/stuffed-up/stuffy nose – be van dugulva az orra
If your nose is bunged up, you find it difficult to breathe because you have a cold or allergic reaction.
2.to have runny nose/allergic rhinitis – folyik az orra/orrfolyása van
If someone has a runny nose, liquid is flowing from their nose.
3.to have watery/runny/streaming eyes – könnyezik a szeme
An allergy can make your eyes water.
4.to have itchy eyes – viszket a szeme
You have an uncomfortable feeling on the skin or in the eye/s that makes you want to rub it.
5.to sneeze – tüsszögni
When you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth and you can’t control this process.
sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat az 5 kifejezést használva.
1.My nose is tickling. I think, I’m going to ____.
2.It’s difficult to drive when you have ____ eyes and always look for a Kleenex.
3.Unfortunately, I’m ____ all the time so I think, I have a cold.
4.As you can hear my voice is strange as I have ____ nose.
5.Oh, no, I must rub my eyes again. It’s terrible if you have ____ eyes.
1.sneeze; 2. watery/runny/streaming; 3. sneezing; 4.bunged up/blocked/stuffed-up/stuffy; 5. itchy
to breathe | lélegezni/levegőt venni |
liquid | folyadék |
to water | könnyezni |
to rub | dörzsölni |
drops | cseppek |
process | folyamat |
to tickle | csiklandozni/viszketni |
Kleenex | papír zsebkendő (márkának a neve) |