Autumn/Fall Vocabulary Test – Őszi szókincsfejlesztő teszt


Gyakoroljuk az őszi szókincset ezzel a teszttel. 

1. Have you seen the falling ………?
a) leaves
b) leafs
lc) oaves

2. I need to ………… up the dead leaves.
a) cake
b) bake
c) rake

3. I saw a ………. of leaves in your backyard.
a) peel
b) pile
c) bond

4. I loved to play in the ……….. when I was a child.
a) hay fever
b) hayneet
c) haystack

5. ……….. is an oval nut that grows on an oak tree.
a) acorn
b) anchor
c) acre

6. John and Mia decided to ……….. for Halloween.
a) cake a squash
b) carve a pumpkin
c) lamp a pumpkin

7. Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of ……… .
a) brittle
b) frizzle
c) drizzle

8. I don’t like November mornings. It’s ……….. cold now!
a) freezing
b) frying
c) fretting

9. A man was selling bags of roast ……… .
a) nutcracker
b) chest
c) chestnut

10) The weather is so …….. today, isn’t it? Not a ray of sunshine.
a) sparkly
b) gloomy
c) sunny

11) A light made from a hollow pumpkin that looks like a face :
a) jack o’lantern
b) jack-of-all-trades
c) jack-in-the box

12) It got very …….. during the night, I needed another sweater.
a) windey
b) weaky
c) windy

13) Do you need my …………. for the dead leaves?
a) wheelbarrel
b) wheelbarrow
c) wheelchair

14) ………. is an American holiday in November.
a) Valentine’s Day
b) Thanksgiving
c) Labour Day

15) A model of a person dressed in old clothes to frighten birds away:
a) scarecrow
b) scareaway
c) scaremonger

Key: 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-c, 10-b, 11-a, 12-c, 13-b, 14-b, 15-a

to rake up – összegereblyézni
pile – kupac
hay fever – szénanátha
haystack – szénaboglya
acorn – makk
to carve a pumpkin – kifaragni egy tököt
drizzle – szitáló eső
freezing cold – fagyos hideg
nutcracker – diótörő
chestnut – gesztenye
gloomy – szomorú, lehangoló
jack o’ lanter – lámpás
wheelbarrow – talicska
scarecrow – madáijesztő

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