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The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon and Leonard Are Getting Ready For The Prom
Leonard: You know, if you’re not gonna learn how to do this, they make some pretty good clip-ons.
Sheldon: Bruce Wayne doesn’t wear a clip-on.
Leonard: Bruce Wayne doesn’t make his roommate tie it for him.
Sheldon: His name is Alfred, and, yes, he does.
Leonard: There, perfect.
Sheldon: What, are you sure? It’s my first prom, I want to do it correctly.
Leonard: I thought you were gonna pretend to be an alien.
Sheldon: I was, but Penny didn’t want to. You didn’t want to. Bernadette, Amy, Koothrappali and Wolowitz didn’t want to. And even I knew it was weird to hire somebody.
Leonard: Was that a flask?
Sheldon: Yes. I’ve decided to embrace all of the traditions associated with prom, including spiking the punch.
Leonard: You’re gonna put alcohol in the punch?
Sheldon: Oh, no, this is pomegranate juice. It’s all the fun of high school high jinks with the cell-protecting zip of antioxidants.
Leonard: If you had ripped jeans and a leather jacket, you’d be like the toughest kid on the Disney Channel. So, anything else planned for tonight?
Sheldon: Oh, everything. Getting our picture taken, slow-dancing, being elected prom king. Pointing out that kings aren’t elected. It’s gonna be off the hook.
Leonard: And while you’re at it, I know that at this age your hormones are raging, but just because all your friends are having sex doesn’t mean you have to.
Sheldon: Why would you say that?
Leonard: You know, ’cause, ’cause a lot of people lose their virginity on prom night.
Sheldon: Penny implied the same thing. Is this true?
Leonard: Just relax, it’s a joke. You don’t have hormones.
clip-on tie |
felcsatolható nyakkendő |
roommate |
lakótárs |
to pretend |
úgy tesz mint |
alien |
űrlény |
flask |
laposüveg |
to embrace sg |
magáévá tesz |
to spike |
alkoholt önteni alkoholmentes italba |
pomegranate |
gránátalma |
high jinks |
dorbézolás, tivornya |
cell-protecting |
sejt védő, megőrző |
ripped jeans |
szakadt farmer |
leather jacket |
bőrkabát |
the toughest kid |
legkeményebb gyerek |
slow-dancing |
lassúzás |
to rage |
dühöngeni, tombolni |
to lose sb’s virginity |
elveszteni a szüzességét |
to imply |
utal valamire |