The Republic of Hungary is an independent, democratic and constitutional state. Since the constitutional amendment of October 23, 1989 the Hungarian state has been a republic, and the type of regime is parliamentary democracy, whereby the Prime Minister of Hungary is the head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is exercised by the unicameral National Assembly that consists of 386 members. Members of the National Assembly are elected for four years.
Executive power – government functions and the highest-level control of public administration – is exercised by the government, in which the Prime Minister plays a dominant role. The National Assembly elects the Prime Minister on the basis of the principle of parliamentary majority, concurrently approving the government programme.
The establishment of ministries is the prerogative of the National Assembly’; their list is set out in law. Ministries are headed by the ministers, who are members of the government. Senior officials of the ministries are the political and administrative under-secretaries.
The ministries of the Republic of Hungary since the latest elections of 2006:
Prime Minister’s Office – Miniszterelnöki Hivatal Ministry of Local Governments – Önkormányzati Minisztérium Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development – Földművelési és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium Ministry of National Development and Economy – Nemzeti Fejelsztési és Gazdasági Minisztérium Ministry of Environment and Water – Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium Ministry of Finance – Pénzügyminisztérium Ministry of Health – Egészségügyi Minisztérium Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour – Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztrérium Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy – Közlekedési, Hírközlési és Energiaügyi Minisztérium Ministry of Defense – Honvédelmi Minisztérium Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Külügyminisztérium Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement – Igazságügyi és Rendészeti Minisztérium Ministry of Education and Culture – Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium |
The President of the Republic of Hungary is elected, with a secret ballot by a two-third majority vote, by the National Assembly; for a term of five years; persons eligible for the position are Hungarian citizens over the age of 35 years who have a right to vote.
The Head of State has the following powers: he signs and promulgates laws; he may adjourn the sessions of or dissolve the National Assembly, he sets the date for parliamentary elections; he has a one-time veto power over an Act of Parliament before signing it if he disagrees with it; he has wide-ranging powers to initiate measures; he gives the mandate to form the cabinet and the Prime Minister is elected by the National Assembly upon his proposal; he appoints ministers, undersecretaries, generals, judges of courts of law; he has the power of individual pardon (in the latter cases, with the counter-signature of the Prime Minister). The President of the Republic is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and has his own powers also in foreign affairs.
amendment – kiegészítés, helyesbítés commander-in-chief – főparancsnok concurrently – egyidejűleg constitutional – alkotmányos eligible – választható establishment – alapítás, létesítés, létesítmény executive power – végrehajtói hatalom exercised by sb – vki által gyakorolt government – kormány independent – független legislative power – törvényhozói hatalom minister – miniszter ministry – minisztérium parliamentary elections – parlamenti választások parliamentary majority – parlamenti többség prerogative – előjog, kiváltság public administration – közigazgatás secret ballot – titkos szavazás The Head of State – államfő the power of individual pardon – egyéni kegyelem The President of the Republic of Hungary – a Magyar Köztársaság elnöke to adjourn – elnapol to approve – jóváhagy to be headed by sb – vki által vezetve to be set out in law – törvényben van meghatározva to dissolve – feloszlat to elect – megválaszt to give the mandate – mandátumot ad to play a dominant role – meghatározó szerepet játszik to promulgate a law – kihirdet to set the date for sth – kijelöl időpontot vmire under-secretary – államtitkár veto power (over sth) – vétójog