2004.07.23 – Murder on the Orient Express

  WELCOME 5 Perc Angol 2004. július Szia! A mai hírlevélben Agatha Christie örökzöld történetér?l a "Gyilkosság az Örient Express-en"-r?l olvashatsz egy rövid összefoglalót, illetve magáról a vonatról kaphatsz néhány érdekes információt. A szöveghez készítettem egy angol-magyar szószedetet is, hogy a szavakat ne kelljen keresgélned. Ha kedved van a regény on-line angol nyelv? verzióját elolvasni



5 Perc Angol


A mai hírlevélben Agatha Christie örökzöld történetér?l a "Gyilkosság az Örient Express-en"-r?l olvashatsz egy rövid összefoglalót, illetve magáról a vonatról kaphatsz néhány érdekes információt. A szöveghez készítettem egy angol-magyar szószedetet is, hogy a szavakat ne kelljen keresgélned. Ha kedved van a regény on-line angol nyelv? verzióját elolvasni klikkelj a

http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/orientexpress/SECTION1.html  weboldalra! Jó szórakozást!

Millennium Idegennyelvi Központ


2004 július 30-ig minden beíratkozó hallgató 42 ingyenes foglalkozást kap ajándékba.

Társalgási tanfolyamaink folyamatosan kéthetente indulnak.

Intenzív tanfolyamaink augusztus 02 – t?l indulnak



Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. As they lay down
for the night, Holmes said: "Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what
you see."
Watson said, "I see millions and millions of stars".
Holmes: "And what does that tell you?"
Watson: "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies
and potentially billions of planets. Theologically, it tells me that God
is great and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it
tells me that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell
Holmes: "Somebody stole our tent."




Murder on the Orient Express
by Agatha Christie

    Murder. Mystery. Suspense. Excitement. A book you can’t put down. All of these comprise the thrilling mystery, Murder on the Orient Express. Written in a light manner, the reader is taken on an exhilarating adventure on the train called the Orient Express.

While Detective Poirot is traveling on the Orient Express, a despised gangster is murdered and it is up to Poirot to find the killer. Poirot, aware that the killer is still on the train, begins interviewing the passengers. Each has an alibi and seems unlikely to have committed the heinous crime, but with Poirot’s proficient ability, there is a surprising conclusion.

Christie entertains the reader with delightful and memorable characters in an intricate story. By adding details and clues, readers find themselves trying to play detective. Twists, turns and sudden revelations make this all the more intriguing.

My only disappointment was it ended too soon; since I was so eager to find out the conclusion I read it very quickly. With each new clue and suspicious character, the reader is even more curious to determine who did it. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mysteries, or likes a really good book. So grab a copy and see if you can discover who was the killer in Murder on the Orient Express.

The "Orient Express," connecting as it does the English Channel with the Black Sea, is one of the most famous trains in Europe. An American friend of the writer, after having considered the claims of the "Flying Scotsman" and the "Twentieth Century Limited," admitted that the "Orient Express" might claim to be the most famous train in the world. With its connecting trains it passes over the railway systems of no fewer than thirteen different countries of the continent of Europe.

The "Orient Express" proper runs from Calais and Paris to Bucharest, passing through France, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania. Then there is the closely-associated "Simplon-Orient Express," which makes its way farther south, through Switzerland, Italy and Yugoslavia. From Nish, in Yugoslavia, there is a connection for Athens, while the main part goes on through Bulgaria to Istanbul (formerly known as Constantinople) in Turkey. Finally, returning to the north, the "Ostend-Vienna Express" connects with the "Orient Express" at the latter city, providing a through link with North Germany and Belgium. The "Orient Express" links up with the "Simplon-Orient Express" by a connection between Budapest and Belgrade. Such, in outline, are the ramifications of the "Orient Express" and its associated services.

Of all the International trains of Europe – and of the world for that matter – the "Orient Express" is the most international. Thirteen countries make a good total. The "Orient" is also the oldest-established of Europe’s transcontinentals, for it was the first to be composed entirely of rolling-stock belonging to the International Sleeping Car Company. It began running between Paris and Vienna in 1883, barely a decade after sleeping-cars were first known in Europe. The cars of that date were six-wheelers, with four-berth compartments, and lighting was by means of old-fashioned German petroleum lamps. Travel in them, however, was by no means uncomfortable, for the berths were good enough once one had gone to bed, and by reason of their considerable weight (for those days) the cars ran fairly easily in spite of their rigid wheel-bases.

The "Orient Express" departs from Vienna bound for Paris

The locomotives were of the 2-4-0 type, usually with double frames, while the Austrian examples burnt brown coal, and had huge, basin-shaped tops to their chimneys. It must have been a jovial, but not very speedy-looking train. But in its fifty-two years (to 1935) of life the "Orient" has become a household word on the Continent, especially in Central Europe.

Before the Great War, the services provided by the "Orient" had attained something of their present ubiquity. Three times weekly the train left the Gare de l’Est in Paris for Constantinople, as it was then called. At Linz the train joined the route of the "Ostend-Vienna Express," following this to the Austrian capital. At Budapest. the Berlin-Constantinople sleeping-car was attached, then the train ran down to Turkey through Belgrade and Sofia. The war, needless to say, stopped the "Orient." Two battle fronts crossed its route; the Eastern Railway of France, on which its journey from Paris began, was cut in two by the Western Front. Beyond Vienna was the turmoil of fighting between Austria-Hungary and Russia, and between the armies of Serbia and Bulgaria and Turkey. Yet the cause of the suspension of the "Orient Express" was also that of the enlargement of the service after the war.








army:                                     hadsereg                                            

associated with :               vmivel összekapcsolt, vmivel kapcsolatban van

barely:                                  alig

basin-shaped:                   lavór/mosdó-alakú

battle front:                           csata front

berth:                                     hálóhely, ágy

by no means:                     semmi esetre sem

by reason of sg:                vmi miatt

claim:                                    igény, követelés

closely:                                 szorosan

clue:                                       b?njel, valaminek a kulcsa

compartment:                     fülke

conclusion:                          konklúzió, befejezés, következtetés

decade:                               évtized

delightful:                             elragadó, pompás

despised:                            megvetett

disappointment:                csalódottság

eager:                                   buzgó, mohó

enlargemenet:                   megnagyobbítás

entirely:                                 teljes mértékben

excitement:                          izgalom, izgatottság

exhilarating:                        felvidító, üdít?

fairly:                                      egészen, meglehet?sen, korrek módon                 

for that matter:                     ez okból

frame:                                    keret

heinous:                               förtelmes, szörny?

household word:               ismer?sen cseng? szó

in outline:                              nagy vonalakban

in spite of sg:                      vmi ellenére

intricate:                                bonyolult, komlikált, tekervényes

intriguing:                             ármánykodó

jovial:                                    jovális, kedélyes, vidám

latter:                                     kés?bbi, utóbbi

locomotive:                         mozdony

manner:                                mód, viselkedés, stílus

needles to say:                  szükségtelen megemlíteni

no fewer than:                     nem kevesebb, mint

old-fashioned:                    régimódi, ódivatú

proper:                                  megfelel?

ramification:                        elágazás, ágazat

revelation:                           felfedezés, kinyilatkoztatás

rigid:                                      hajthatatlan, merev, szigorú

six-wheeler:                         6 kerek?

sleeping-car:                      hálókocsi

speedy-looking:                száguldó-kinézet?

suspense:                           bozonytalanság, félbeszakítás, kétség

suspension:                        beszüntetés, felfülggesztés, megszüntetés

the Black Sea:                   Fekete Tenger

the oldest-established: a legrégebben alapított

thrilling:                                 félelmetes, ijeszt?

to admit:                               bevall

to attain:                                elnyer, megszerez, megvalósít

to be aware of sg:             valaminek a tudatában lenni

to commit a crime:            elkövetni egy b?ntényt

to comprise:                        beszámít, magába foglal, tartalmaz

to connect sg with sg: vmit összeköt vmivel

to consider sg:                   figyelembe vesz vmit

to discover:                         felfedez, felfed

to grab sg:                           megragad valamit

to link up with:                     összeköt vmit vmivel

to provide:                           ellát, gondoskodik, szolgáltat

to reccomend:                    ajánl

transcontinental:                transzkontinentális

turmoil:                                  izgalom, nyugtalanság, z?rzavar

twist:                                       csavar

ubiquity:                                mindenütt jelenvalóság



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