Taking place 25 years after the original British smash hit, the eight-episode series will follow the same band of brothers as they navigate the post-industrial city of Sheffield and society’s crumbling healthcare, education, and employment sectors.
The comedy-drama will uncover what happened to the gang after they put their kit back on, exploring their brighter, sillier, and more desperate moments. It will also highlight how the fiercely funny world of these working-class heroes – still residing in Sheffield – has changed in the intervening decades.
The original movie’s Academy Award-winning screen writer Simon Beaufoy returns, joined by co-writer Alice Nutter, with Umberto Pasolini also coming back as executive producer.
to take place | megtörténni, megrendezésre kerülni |
smash hit | bombasiker |
to navigate | navigálni, eligazodni |
industrial | ipari |
society | társadalom |
crumbling | omladozó |
healthcare | egészségügyi ellátás |
education | oktatás |
employment | foglalkoztatás |
to uncover | felfedni |
to explore | felfedezni |
bright | fényes, szellemes |
silly | buta, ostoba |
desperate | kétségbeesett |
to highlight | kiemelni |
fiercely | hevesen |
working-class | munkásosztálybeli |
to reside | lakni (állandó lakhely) |
intervening | közbeeső (két esemény között időben) |
decade | évtized |