Grand Central celebrates 100th anniversary

A világ legnagyobb pályaudvarának száz éves évfordulóját idén egyéves ünnepléssel teszik emlékezetessé a New York-iak. Töltsd le képes összefoglalónkat is a világhírű Grand Central Terminal-ról (pdf formátumban)!

Grand Central Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The world’s largest and most famous train station, the Grand Central Terminal celebrates its centennial this year. It will be marked by a year-long celebration including various events and exhibitons that will salute the past and future of this grand Beaux-Arts landmark.

Completed in 1913, New York city’s most iconic building stands at the intersection of Park Avenue and 42nd Street in Midtown Manhattan and can be justly called a ‘city within a city’. It has a two-level underground terminal of 44 platforms with 67 tracks along them, providing long-distance and commuter train service by Metro-North Railroad trains, but it is also home to numerous restaurants, cocktail lounges, luxury shops, a police station, a gourmet market and one of the most popular public events locations, the Vanderbilt Hall.  

It is an architectural treasure and an example of historic preservation after almost being demolished in the 1970’s. Its must-see features include its impressive marble staircase, the 75-foot tall cathedral windows, the gold-leaf detailed astronomical mural on the ceiling, real gold chandeliers, the Whispering Gallery, the Oyster Bar and the world’s largest four-sided Tiffany clock at the central information booth, the centennial symbol.

terminal – (vég)állomás
centennial – centenárium/százéves évforduló
to mark – jegyezni
exhibition – kiállítás
to salute – tisztelegni
grand – előkelő/impozáns/nagy
landmark – emlékmű
iconic – ikonikus
intersection – útkereszteződés
justly – jogosan
platform – peron/vágány
track – (itt) sín(pár)
to provide – nyújtani/biztosítani
long-distance – hosszútávú
commuter – ingázó
numerous – számos
architectural treasure – építészeti kincs
historic preservation -történelmi értékmentés
to demolish – lebontani
impressive – lenyűgöző
marble – márvány
mural – freskó/falfestmény
chandelier – csillár
whispering – suttogó