Egy kis összefoglaló a leghíresebb magyar csokikról … és még egy kis nyelvtan is!


Ikonikus magyar csokimárkáink, melyek hallatára mindenkit elfog a "csokiéhség", emellett megtudhatjuk, hogy a chocolate szónak van megszámlálható főneves változata is!

Here are the most famous and tasty Hungarian chocolates



At the beginning of the 1930s, Mátyás Szamos learned how to make the perfect marzipan from a Danish master and since then the Hungarian Szamos, one of the most well-known companies in Hungary, not just succeeded in making the best marzipan, but chocolate and ice cream too. Szamos is also the number one brand making delicious cakes and other delicacies. At Kossuth Square, near the Parliament (Budapest) you can try some and even visit the Chocolate Museum.



In 1923, the gates of the Szerencsi Factory opened, and chocolate manufacturing began. Besides chocolate, Szerencsi makes caramels, marzipan figures, bonbons, desserts and szaloncukor, which is the main ingredient of the Hungarians’ Christmas. In Budapest, Ráday Street, you can buy some of the products of Szerencsi.

Piros Mogyorós


Hungarians who were children during the 70s and 80s all remember this iconic Hungarian chocolate. This dark chocolate had whole nuts inside, making it unbelievably tasty and unique. A few years ago they started to sell it again in many stores.




Another well-known Hungarian chocolate. It can be found in every store in Hungary. It comes in several flavours and editions.

Sport szelet



Chocolate and rum together, the best combination. This chocolate, in its iconic green coloured wrapping with the yellow letters of Sport, has become a prominent product of Hungary as well.

source: Daily News Hungary


some chocolate vs some chocolates : csokoládé vs bonbon

some coffee vs two coffees: kávé (alapanyag) vs két kávé (two cups!)

some tea vs three teas: tea (alapanyag) vs három tea (three mugs!)

some water vs a water: víz (alapanyag) vs egy ásványvíz (a glass of/a bottle of)

some cake vs some cakes: torta vs néhány aprósütemény

some ice cream vs an ice cream: fagylalt vs egy jégkrém

some glass vs some glasses: üveg (anyag) vs néhány pohár/szemüveg

some paper vs some papers: papír (anyag) vs néhány napilap (newspapers)

Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat a zárójelbe tett főnevek megfelelő változatával.
Ha megszámlálható értelmében fordulnak elő, szám és a/an lehet előttük, és többes számban vannak, akkor jelezd a főnév végén a többes szám jelével (-s).

  1. I love eating much ………. and …………. as snack during my workday. (coffee, chocolate)
  2. I’d like to get two ………. and a dozen of ……………… . (coffee, cake)
  3. I need more …….. to make fish soup. (water)
  4. She buys two ………. and two ……………….. early in the morning. (mineral water, coffee)
  5. We need to buy lots of ………….. for her as a present. She loves eating them. (chocolate)
  6. Why are you buying two ……… of wine for yourself? (glass)
  7. I am keen on reading three different …………. early in the morning to become up-to-date. (paper)
  8. I don’t dare to touch her birthday ………… . I’m sure, I would taste it! (cake)
  9. I’m looking for my …………… . Can’t you see them anywhere? (glass)
  10. For this dessert we need some …….., ………., eggs and flour. (chocolate, water)



key/megoldás: 1. coffee, chocolate; 2. coffees, cakes; 3. water; 4. mineral waters, coffees; 5. chocolates; 6. glasses; 7. papers; 8. cake; 9. glasses; 10. chocolate, water


to succeed in

sikerül megcsinálni valamit

delicious cakes

ízletes torták, aprósütemények


finomságok, csemegék

chocolate manufacturing



valamin kívül



whole nuts

egész mogyoró





several flavours

számos íz





yellow letters

sárga betűk



Kapcsolódó anyagok