A magyar tenger igazi gyöngyszem a romantikázni vágyóknak. Naplemente, szerelmi fogadalmak, a magyar ‘Sóhajok Hídja’ mind rátok vár a Balaton legromantikusabb helyein.
The Hungarian Sea offers several amazing spots and romantic programmes if you would like to escape the crowded capital and enjoy some unforgettable summer days with your sweetheart. Do not wait a minute; come along and discover the best amorous places at Lake Balaton.
Thanks to its beautiful landscape, breath-taking panorama, cosy restaurants and fantastic ice cream shops, Tihany Peninsula is undoubtedly among the most romantic places of the Hungarian Sea.
Couples can participate in several interesting programmes during the summer season, including wine tasting, private and custom tours, festivals.
When visiting Tihany, lovers should not miss the fantastic Lavender Festival that makes the day even more colourful. Besides visiting the most important attraction of the peninsula, the Benedictine Tihany Abbey, it is also highly recommended to walk along the promenade and enjoy the atmosphere of the historical district.
In Balatonvilágos, you can find one of the most mysterious places on the lake shore, the so-called “Bridge of Lovers” which is also known as the “Hungarian Bridge of Sighs”. This tiny white bridge is more than perfect for a romantic walk.
The Hungarian spa town of Balatonfüred provides a relaxing atmosphere for all the visitors. In addition to the fantastic panorama of Lake Balaton, the Tagore Promenade is also worth a visit, where you can take great romantic walks in nature and see the 46 memorial plaques, 13 public statues, five monuments and picturesque old villas.
In Keszthely, you can visit the fabulous Festetics Castle, one of the most significant castles in the country. Its romantic park is a nature reserve, open for visitors.
Couples can leave their trademarks by putting their own padlocks on the famous romantic wall in front of the Doll Museum.
As csodalatosbalaton.hu reports, Révfülöp is the ideal destination if you would like to admire the sunset at Lake Balaton with your love. Here, you can also enjoy the beautiful panorama of the Hungarian Sea from the Millennium Lookout Tower or participate in a cruise tour that will make the day even more enjoyable.
The beautiful region of Badacsony offers several wine estates and terraces where you can taste the best Hungarian wines. After a pleasant dinner with your sweetheart, discover together the “Stairs of Love” that consist of 464 steps. If you reach the lookout point in Badacsony, you will surely have a kiss that you will never forget.
Source: Daily News Hungary
A cikk elolvasása után, döntsd el, hogy az alábbi állítások igazak (A), hamisak (B), vagy nem volt róluk szó a szövegben (C)
1. The Tihany Peninsula is probably among the most romantic places of the Hungarian Sea.
2. The Benedictine Abbey is the landmark of the Tihany Peninsula.
3. The Hungarian “Bridge of Sighs” provides the most amorous view of Lake Balaton.
4. The Tagore Promenade provides not only an excellent opportunity for romantic walks, but for seeing memorial sights.
5. Tourists aren’t allowed to visit the park in the Festetics Castle because it is a natural reserve.
6. Couples are padlocked onto the romantic wall in front of the Doll Museum.
7. To enjoy the sunset at Lake Balaton, Révfülöp is an ideal destination.
8. It isn’t forbidden to visit the ‘Stairs of Love’ in Badacsony, if you have drunk some wine during dinner.
1. B, it is undoubtedly one of the most romantic places
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B, it is open for visitors
6. B, they leave their padlocks on the wall
7. A
8. C
to discover |
felfedezni |
amazing spots |
csodálatos helyek |
to escape |
elmenekülni |
crowded capital |
zsúfolt főváros |
amorous |
szerelmes |
landscape |
táj/vidék |
breath-taking |
lélegzetelállító |
cosy |
meghitt |
peninsula |
félsziget |
undoubtedly |
kétségtelenül |
to participate |
részt venni |
to include |
beleérteni |
custom tours |
egyedi túrák |
besides |
azonfelül |
attraction |
látványosság |
to recommend |
ajánlani |
promenade |
sétány |
Bridge of Sighs |
Sóhajok Hídja |
tiny |
aprócska |
to provide |
biztosítani |
memorial plaques |
emléktáblák |
public statues |
közszobrok |
picturesque |
festői szépségű |
fabulous |
mesés |
significant |
jelentős |
nature reserve |
természetvédelmi terület |
trademarks |
védjegyek |
padlocks |
lakatok |
to admire |
csodálni |
Lookout Tower |
kilátótorony |
to participate |
részt venni |
wine estates |
borbirtokok |
to consist of |
állni valamiből |