Mikor melyik kifejezés a helyes? Csináld meg a kvízt, majd olvasd el a rövid magyarázatot is!
Even though – Annak ellenére, hogy …
Even though is used to express a fact, something that is real or true.
Even though means ‘despite/in spite of’ the fact’.
It is more emphatic than ‘though’ or although’.
Even though John is rich, he lives in a small house. – Annak ellenére, hogy John gazdag, egy kis házban él.
(John is rich, but despite having money he lives in a small house.)
Even though she likes animals, Mary doesn’t want a dog. – Annak ellenére, hogy szereti az állatokat, Mary nem szeretne kutyát.
(In spite of the fact that she likes animals, Mary doesn’t want a dog.)
Even though the building was damaged, business went on as usual. – Annak ellenére, hogy a ház megsérült, folytatódott tovább az üzleti tevékenység.
(The building was damaged, but despite that business went on as usual.)
Even though I washed it several times, I couldn’t get rid of the stain. – Annak ellenére, hogy többször is kimostam, nem tudtam kiszedni a foltot.
(I couldn’t get rid of the stain despite washing it several times.)
Even if – Még akkor is, ha …/ Még akkor sem, ha …
Even if is used in a supposition or hypothesis.
It refers to an imaginary or unreal situation
Even if Caroline earned a big salary, she would not buy a fast car. – Akkor se venne magának gyors kocsit Caroline, ha sok pénzt keresne.
(Caroline doesn’t like fast cars. It is not because of the price that she won’t buy one.)
Even if I had time and money, I still wouldn’t go on a cruise. – Még akkor se mennél el egy tengeri hajózásra, ha lenne rá időm és pénzem.
(It’s not because I have no time or no money that I won’t go on a cruise.)
- I have other reasons for not going.)
I wouldn’t wear that dress even if I got it for free! – Még akkor se venném fel azt a ruhát, ha ingyen adnák!
(Imagine getting that dress for nothing. I still wouldn’t wear it!)