1.to chew your ear off – rágja a füledet valamivel; lebeszéli a füleidet a helyéről
When someone talks so much that they wear away your ears from over use.
2.to bite off more than one can chew – többet vállal, mint amennyit elbír
to try to do something that is too difficult for you
3.to chew the cud/it over – rágódni valamin, töprengeni valamin
to think slowly and carefully about something,
4.to chew the fat – csevegni, pletykálni
to talk with someone in an informal and friendly way about gossip
5.to chew the scenery – túljátszani a jelenetet
to play a film, theatre, or television part in a very energetic and emotional way, that may seem artificial rather than natural; to overact a scene
sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Macmillan Dictionary; Urban Dictionary
Egészítsd ki a mondatokat az előző kifejezések egyikével.
1.We sat in a bar most of the evening just c____ .
2.We b____ we could chew in this building project.
3.Cathy talks a lot… She’ll c____ if you let her.
4.Instead of c____ as he has done in other films, the actor delivered a subtle performance.
5.He sat for a moment c____ before he spoke.
1.chewing the fat; 2. bit off more than; 3.chew your ear off; 4. chewing the scenery; 5.chewing the cud
to wear away | elkoptatni; teljesen elhasználni |
informal | kötetlen; hétköznapi |
gossip | pletyka |
artificial | mesterkélt |
to overact | túljátszani |
to deliver a subtle performance | finom |