5 expressions a day/5 kifejezés naponta – Jamie Dornan tanácsai

Mai szókincsfejlesztésünkben Jamie Dornan ír színész lesz segítségünkre, akit legtöbben a Szürke 50 árnyalata című filmben ismerhettek meg, de manapság a Belfast című filmben is remekel. Hasznos tanácsot oszt meg velünk.

1.to the far end –‘a végsőkig/halálunkig
the end that is the furthest from you

2. a sort of like/likeolyasmi/egy fajta/olyan
similar to

3. I guessAzt hiszem /Szerintem
I think

4. to remind yourself of emlékeztetni magadat valamire
to make someone think of, something or someone else

5. to back yourself támogatni saját magadat
to give support to someone or something with money or words

“My dad always used to say that life is not a race to the far end. Basically, a way of, sort of like, you know, tortoise and hare type thing, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. I guess, his way of saying this but I use that a lot, when, you know, especially in this (film/entertainment) industry where there was (were!) years when things weren’t going as well and you know, you start to lose hope and you feel you need to sort of remind yourself of something that like if you back yourself, things will happen, you know so, that’s the one I probably use the most.” – Jamie Dornan, actor

source: New Repost @GraziaUK, Jamie Dornan I Love You, Facebook

Most pedig elevenítsük fel a történetet, amire Jamie Dornan utalt. Egészítsétek ki a szöveg hiányzó részeit a megadott opciók egyikével.

The Hare and The Tortoise

Once there was a hare. He 1. ____ because he could run very fast.

One day, he saw a slow-moving tortoise. The hare laughed at the tortoise and said, “you’re 2. ____, shall we have a running race?”

The tortoise knew that he 3. ____. He thought, “Why not have some fun? I am not worried about failure. ” So, he said, ” I am ready for the race” 4. ____. The forest friends fixed a day for the race.

On the fixed day, both the hare and the tortoise arrived at the starting point. They had to run up to a big banyan tree, nearly a mile away. It was really a long distance for the tortoise. The race started. The tortoise 5. ____ slowly.  The hare ran at great speed.

After running for some time, the hare stopped to take a rest. The tortoise was far behind. “It will take him a long time 6. ____ “, thought the hare. He 7. ____ under a shady tree and soon fell asleep. Meanwhile, the tortoise kept moving slowly and steadily. On the way, he saw the hare in deep sleep. He continued to move and finally reached the winning point.

The hare woke up 8. ____ and began to run fast. But it was too late now. When he reached the end point, he saw the tortoise waiting, with a smiling face.

The hare 9. ____ in shame.

Moral Of the Story:   Slow and Steady wins the race.

“It does not matter 10. ____ as long as you do not stop” – Confucius

source: shortstories4kids.com

A.how slowly you go
B. began to move forward
moving very fast
D. laid down
could not run fast like the hare
after some time
felt very proud
H. to catch me
hung his face
and accepted the challenge


1.-G.; 2.-C.; 3. E.; 4.-J.; 5. -B.; 6.- H., 7.-D.; 8.-F.; 9.-I.; 10.-A.



used to valaha/régebben
race verseny
a way of olyan/olyasmi
(film) industry (film) ipar
to go well jól mennek a dolgok
to remind sy of valami emlékeztet
valakit valamire
to back támogatni
to move forward előre haladni
to lay down, laid, laid lefeküdni/ledőlni
to feel proud büszkeséget érezni
to accept the challenge elfogadni a kihívást
failure kudarc
banyan tree indiai fügefa
steadily szüntelenül/egyenletesen
in shame szégyenében

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