Minden, amit egy igazi brit pubról tudni kell


Igaz/hamis feladat alapfokon nyomkodós teszttel és videóval. 

Experience what it’s like in a typical British Pub. 

There are pubs around every corner in London, most of them with illustrious history. We are going to the Blue Posts Pub located in Central London. The image of a traditional British pub has not changed much over the years: the wooden interior, the fireplace and a warm, cozy, homely atmosphere.

If you are a literature buff, you will think you have been to the Dickensian or a Shakespearean world. The pub is actually an abbreviation of the term public house. The word was coined during Victorian times, but the concept has been around since the Romans and their taverns.

“I am Gabby and I work as a barmaid here. First I would say the atmosphere because most of the British pubs, they are very old, so the interior is quite old. So, that is what the difference is between the more modern bars and the British pub”.

Pubs were meeting places for professionals and artists alike. “We do not do food, and the drink, that would be the bitters, the real ales“. I am Peter Halpin, showing you London.

illustrious –  előkelő, jeles
located található
interior belső tér
fireplace – kandalló
cozy – otthonos, kényelmes
literature buff – irodalomrajongó
abbreviation – rövidítés
tavern – taverna, fogadó
barmaid – csaposlány
meeting place – találkozóhely
bitter – világos sör
ale – sör

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