A mai lecke egy igazi különlegesség. II. Erzsébet 14 éves volt, amikor először mondott beszédet a rádióban, hogy bátorítsa a háborús körülmények között a gyerekeket. Azóta hosszú uralkodása alatt már rengeteg beszédet mondott. Ma délután várható a legújabb beszéd. Figyeljétek az oldalt, készítünk belőle leckét!
The Queen’s Christmas Message is a broadcast made by the monarch to the 52 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations each Christmas.
Originally called the King’s Christmas Message when the tradition began in 1932 with a radio broadcast by King George V, the message has been read by Queen Elizabeth II since 1952.
The Queen typically uses the speech as a chance to reflect on the year and the major events that have occurred throughout it. She also makes a comment on her own personal milestones of the year and expresses her opinion on Christmas in general.
When and where can I watch or listen to it?
The Queen’s Christmas Message is embargoed until 3pm on Christmas Day. It is then broadcast on BBC One, ITV, Sky 1, and Sky News from 3pm until 3.10pm. You can also listen to it on BBC Radio 4.
In 2015, the Queen’s message was the most watched Christmas Day programme, pulling in 7.5 million viewers in total, beating Downton Abbey’s 6.9 million.
Who writes the speech?
While poet and author Rudyard Kipling drafted the first speech for King George V, the Queen writes her own Christmas speeches and it is one of only a few instances where she is able to speak publicly without any advice from her ministers.
Planning begins months earlier once the Queen decides on her theme of the year. From there appropriate archive footage is collected and assembled for the speech which is recorded a few days before Christmas.
Why is it done?
King George V’s original Christmas speech in 1932 was intended to be a one-off event as a way to inaugurate the BBC World Service, but over the years it has become one of the most important events in the royal calendar, and a Christmas staple for those living in the Commonwealth.
It was firmly established as tradition during the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 where King George VI, in his first Christmas as the King, sought to reassure people and boost morale.
What is the Alternative Christmas Message?
Since 1993 Channel 4 has been broadcasting an alternative Christmas message to the Queen’s Christmas Message broadcast on BBC, ITV, and Sky.
Sometimes it is a humorous message – Marge and Lisa Simpson gave the speech in 2004, where they compared the “special relationship” between the UK and the US to the relationship between Mini Me and Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers films.
source: The Telegraph
Script of the 1940 speech:
I’m wishing you all good evening. I feel that I’m speaking to friends and companions who have shared with my sister and myself many a happy Children’s Hour. Thousands of you in this country have had to leave your homes and be separated from your fathers and mothers. My sister Margaret Rose and I feel so much for you as we know from experience what it means to be away from those whom we love most of all. To you living in new surroundings we send a message of true sympathy and at the same time we would like to thank the kind people who have welcomed you to their homes in the country. All of us children who are still at home think continually of our friends and relations who have gone overseas, who have travelled thousands of miles to find a wartime home and a kindly welcome in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States of America.
My sister and I feel we know quite a lot about these countries. Our father and mother have so often talked to us of their visits to different parts of the world. So it is not difficult for us to picture the sort of life you are all leading and to think of all the new sights you must be seeing and the adventures you must be having. But I’m sure that you too are often thinking of the old country. I know you won’t forget us. It is just because we are not forgetting you that I want on behalf of all the children at home to send you our love and best wishes to you and your kind hosts as well. Before I finish I can truthfully say to you all that we children at home are full of cheeerfulness and courage. We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers and airmen and we are trying too to bear our own share of the danger and the sadness of war. We know, every one of us that in the end all will be well for God will care for us and give us victory and peace and when peace comes remember it will be for us the children of today to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place. My sister is by my side and we are both going to say good night to you. Come on, Margaret.
Good night, children, good night and good luck to you all.
broadcast |
adás |
monarch |
uralkodó |
Commonwealth of Nations |
Brit Nemzetközösség |
to reflect on |
visszatekinteni valamire |
major events |
főbb események |
to occur |
történni |
milestone |
mérföldkő |
to express |
kifejezni |
in general |
általában |
to embargo |
zárolva van |
to beat |
legyőzni |
author |
író |
to draft |
megírni, megfogalmazni |
theme |
téma |
appropriate |
megfelelő |
to assemble |
összegyűjteni |
to be intended |
szánják valaminek |
one-off event |
egyszeri eset |
to inaugurate |
bevezetni |
staple |
alap/megszokott dolog |
to establish |
bevezetni, megalapítani |
outbreak |
kitörés |