Boldog szülinapot, Margit híd!


A Margit híd 120. születésnapját ünnepli. Kukkantsunk bele születésének és eddigi életének érdekes pillanataiba!


The original construction of the bridge happened in 1876, but in the 19th century, the bridge was not connected with Margaret Island. It took many years to realise that the bridge needs a path leading to the island to open it up for citizens.


PestBuda reported that the bridge was not built by state order but by the decision of the court of the Austrian Archduke, and they decided to connect the bridge with the island in 1898. They started the construction in 1899, out of excellent Hungarian materials, and it took one year until the path was opened and even Archduke Joseph appeared at the opening celebration on a warm August day 120 years ago.


The bridge was designed by French engineer Ernest Goüin and built by the construction company Maison Ernest Goüin et Cie. between 1872 and 1876. Margaret Bridge was the second permanent bridge in Budapest after Széchenyi Chain Bridge. The reason for this unusual geometry is that the small extension to connect to Margaret Island was inserted into the original design but not built until two decades later due to the lack of funds. There were many though who protested and demanded not to make the pathway to preserve Margaret Island from people.


With the pathway built, Margaret Bridge is the only one in Budapest that has a curve in its structure.

The bridge was destroyed during World War II by German troops and was later rebuilt. By the end of the 2000s, the bridge became dangerous for people and drivers, and needed to be renovated entirely as soon as possible. Reconstruction works started in 2009, and after careful work, the bridge was opened again.

source: Daily News Hungary

A cikk elolvasása után, válaszolj az angol kérdésekre, a szöveg alapján angolul.

1.  What happened in 1876?

2.  When was it decided to connect the island with the bridge?

3.  What was the bridge built from?

4.  Why was Archduke Joseph in Budapest 120 years ago?

5.  What was the reason for not building the extension for 20 years?

6.  Why did many people demand not to make the pathway?

7.  Why is the bridge unique among the bridges in Budapest?

8.  What happened to the bridge during World War II?


1.  The original construction of the bridge.

2.  in 1898.

3.  out of/from excellent Hungarian materials

4.  to appear at the opening celebration of the small extension

5.  lack of funds/money

6.  to preserve Margaret Island from people

7.  It has a curve in its structure.

8.  It was destroyed by German troops






state order

állami rendelet



to appear


permanent bridge

állandó híd



lack of funds




to destroy


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