Baráti viszonyban váltak el egymástól Cressida Bonas-szal.
Prince Harry and girlfriend Cressida Bonas ‘split’
Prince Harry has split from his girlfriend Cressida Bonas, a source close to the couple has said. The royal, 29, had been dating the 25-year-old for two years, with speculation growing in recent months that the pair would marry. ‘It’s very, very sad that they have decided to split. It’s very amicable but they have decided to go their separate ways,’ the source said.
It is believed the couple may have split to enable Cressida to focus on her career, while she is also thought to have been uncomfortable with the attention resulting from dating a member of the royal family. The source said the pair were still ‘the best of friends’. Prince Harry’s cousin and Cressida’s friend Princess Eugenia introduced the pair, who started dating in May 2012. They made their first official public appearance together earlier this year.
Kensington Palace declined to comment.
… és most nincs is aktuálisabb a FOX tévécsatorna legújabb műsoránál! I Wanna Marry Harry címmel jön az Egyesült Államokban a legújabb reality show, amelyben 12 nővel elhitetik, hogy a műsor főszereplője Harry herceg és közülük fog feleséget választani. A lányok annyira elhitték a „mesét”, hogy egymásnak is estek többször a műsor alatt, csak hogy a „herceg” kegyeibe férkőzhessenek. Nézzünk is bele: )
to split – szakítani
couple – pár
to date – járni valakivel
speculation – találgatás
amicable – barátságos
to go separate ways – elválnak útjaik
to focus on – valamire koncentrálni
career – karrier
to be uncomfortable with – kényelmetlenül érzi magát
resulting from – valmiből származó
cousin – unokatestvér
official public appearance – hivatalos nyilvános megjelenés
to decline to – elutasítani
Match the words with the definitions.
1. cousin |
a) a guess about something we don’t know for sure |
2. to split |
b) to concentrate on something |
3. career |
c) my aunt’s child |
4. to focus on |
d) to break up a relationship |
5. speculation |
e) a profession |
answers: 1-c 2-d 3-e 4-b 5-a