Utolsó óraátállítás? – szókincs, idiómák és interaktív teszt


Átállítottátok az órát vasárnap? :) Ennek apropóján hoztunk is nektek érdekes cikket, és 15 idővel kapcsolatos idiómát angol és magyar magyarázattal és egy interaktív teszttel!  

The EU will abolish winter and summer time next spring, and it will be up to the member states to choose which time zone they would like to stay in. The article by 24 notes that if Hungary stays on winter time, we set the clock for the last time today.

Last year, the European Union decided to abolish the annual clock change from 2021. It is up to each member state to finalise their decision over the winter or summer time zone. The decision is supported by 80% of EU citizens. It is proven that there is no economic benefit from continuous clock changes, but the human body is significantly burdened.

Winter time is natural, and our body has adapted to this time zone all the way to the modern age. Darkness and light affect many of our physiological functions. From this point of view, it is also important that in Hungary’s geographical location, it is in winter time that it is closest to noon when the sun is the highest.

A day started in the dark is more stressful and damaging than if the sun goes down an hour earlier in the evening.

This is how sunrises and sunsets in Hungary look like in winter and summer time:

October 26 (the first day of winter time): 6:18 and 16:37;  7:18 and 17:37.

December 22 (the day after winter solstice): 7:28 and 15:57; 8:28 and 16:57.

As the EU has left the final word to the member states, it is up to the Hungarian government to decide by a government decision or torefer the matter to Parliament. We do not know yet any conciliation on the subject. Population surveys show close results.

55-60 per cent of people would support summer time, while 40-45 per cent would support winter time.

The EU advises neighbouring countries to monitor each other’s decision-making. This avoids a time lag of up to 2 hours between adjacent countries.

Source: 24.hu and Daily News Hungary

Itt 15 idiómát találsz, melyek az idővel kapcsolatosak. A magyar jelentésük mellett, angol magyarázatukat is olvashatod. Miután végig nézted őket, tedd próbára ismereteidet a quizben. Döntsd el az egyes mondatoknál a két opció közül, hogy melyik illik leginkább az adott szituációba.

Time flies (repül az idő)

Meaning: Time passes extremely quickly

It’s high time (legfőbb ideje)

Meaning: It’s the right time to do something, or past the appropriate time to do something.

Third time’s a charm (Három a magyar igazság)

Meaning: The third time you do something it will finally work.

Beat the clock (befejezni valamit, mielőtt lejárna az idő)

Meaning: Finish something before time is up, before a deadline.

Better late than never (Jobb későn, mint soha)

Meaning: Doing something late is better than not doing it at all.
It can be used sarcastically if someone is very late.

At the eleventh hour (az utolsó percben/pillanatban)

Meaning: Almost too late or at the last possible moment.

In the long run (hosszú távon)

Meaning: In the long term, over a long period of time.

Make up for lost time (pótolja az elveszett időt)

Meaning: To catch up, to do something intensely to make up for
a long period of not doing it.

In the nick of time (éppen időben/legjobbkor)

Meaning: at the last possible moment, just before it’s too late.

Ship has sailed (Ez a vonat már elment)

Meaning: A lost opportunity, missed shot.

Around the clock (éjjel-nappal)

Meaning: for 24 hours, without stopping.

Call it a day (Tegyük le a lantot./Mára elég volt.)

Meaning: To finish working on something, a day’s
work’s been completed

In one stroke/At a stroke (egy csapásra)

Meaning: Immediately, at the same time.

Not born yesterday (nem most jöttem le a falvédőről)

Meaning: Experienced, not naïve or easily fooled.

On someone’s watch (valaki felügyelete alatt/valaki beosztása alatt)

Meaning: during the time that someone is in charge,
while someone is on duty.

source: CourseFinders Blog


to abolish


to be up to

függ valakitől/
múlik valakin



to finalise

véglegesíteni a
döntést valamiről

it is proven



gazdasági előny

to be significantly

meg van terhelve

to adapt to


to affect

hatással van






népesség körében
elvégzett felmérés

to monitor


to avoid
a time lag

elkerülni az



Spring Forward

tavaszi óraátállítás
(egy órával előre állítás)

Fall Back

őszi óraátállítás
(egy órával vissza állítás)

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