Folytassuk tovább a színes idiómákat, és jöjjön a "barna".
1. brown as a berry – someone who is very suntanned – csokibarna
2. a brown out – a partial loss of electrical power – részleges áramszünet
3. to be in a brown study – to be absent-minded or depressed, to daydream – elgondolkozni, magába mélyedni, álmodozni
4. brown bread (British) – Cockney Rhyming slang for “dead” – halott (Cockney rímelő szlengben)
5. to be browned off (British) – to be fed up or annoyed – elege van, unja a banánt
6. brown paper – a type of paper made from unbleached wood pulp, used especially to make paper bags and envelopes or as wrapping for parcels – csomagolópapír
7. to brown bag – to bring a homemade packed lunch to work usually in a brown paper bag OR to bring one’s own liquor to a restaurant that does not serve alcohol – otthonról csomagolt ételt ebédelni a munkahelyen VAGY alkoholt bevinni olyan étterembe, ahol nem árulnak alkoholt
8. abrown-bag seminar, session or lunch – it is generally a training or information session during a lunch break – “munkaebéd”, ebédszünetben zajló képzés
9. brown sugar – partially refined sugar – barna (csak részben finomított) cukor
10. to brown nose someone – to try to get the approval of (an important or powerful person) by praise, flattery, etc. in order to obtain a favour or advantage) – a fenekét is kinyalja valakinek azért, hogy valamilyen előnyhöz jusson
11. brownstone – a building made out of dark coloured sandstone – barna homokkő, és az ebből készült épületek
12. brownstone vote – referring to the votes of the well-to-do class – a jómódú réteg szavazatai
13. brown dwarf – a type of celestial body midway in size between a large planet and a small star – barna törpe (égitest)
14. brown goods – consumer goods such as televisions, radios, or videos – kisebb, könnyebb műszaki cikkek pl. televízió, rádió, stb.
15. Brown Shirt – a member of any fascist party or group – barnainges (fasiszta)
16. brownie point – If someone does something to score brownie points, they do it because they think they will be praised for it – piros pont
17. brown-state – (of linen and lace fabrics) undyed – festetlen (kelme)
18. Brownie – a member of an organization of Girl Scouts for girls ages 7 through 10 – cserkészlány
19. brownie – a short, square piece of rich, chocolate cake that often contains nuts – brownie (kakaós sütemény)
20. brownie – a tiny, fanciful, good-natured brown elf who secretly helps at night with household chores – éjszakánként a házimunkában titokban segítő manó
Match the words and their definitions.
1. brown as a berry |
A. Cockney Rhyming slang for “dead” |
2. a brown out |
B. consumer goods such as televisions, radios, or videos |
3. to be in a brown study |
C. a member of any fascist party or group |
4. brown bread |
D. a type of paper made from unbleached wood pulp, used especially to make paper bags and envelopes or as wrapping for parcels |
5. to be browned off |
E. a building made out of dark coloured sandstone |
6. brown paper |
F. a partial loss of electrical power |
7. to brown bag |
G. to be fed up or annoyed |
8. a brown-bag seminar, session or lunch |
H. If someone does something to score brownie points, they do it because they think they will be praised for it |
9. brown sugar | is generally a training or information session during a lunch break |
10. to brown nose someone |
J. referring to the votes of the well-to-do class |
11. brownstone |
K. to be absent-minded or depressed, to daydream |
12. brownstone vote |
L. partially refined sugar |
13. brown dwarf |
M. (of linen and lace fabrics) undyed |
14. brown goods |
N. someone who is very suntanned |
15. Brown Shirt |
O. to bring a homemade packed lunch to work usually in a brown paper bag OR to bring one’s own liquor to a restaurant that does not serve alcohol |
16. brownie point |
P. a type of celestial body midway in size between a large planet and a small star |
17. brown-state |
Q. a short, square piece of rich, chocolate cake that often contains nuts |
18. Brownie |
R. a tiny, fanciful, good-natured brown elf who secretly helps at night with household chores |
19. brownie |
S. a member of an organization of Girl Scouts for girls ages 7 through 10 |
20. brownie |
T. to try to get the approval of (an important or powerful person) by praise, flattery, etc. in order to obtain a favour or advantage) |
1. N.
2. F.
3. K.
4. A.
5. G.
6. D.
7. O.
8. I.
9. L.
10. T.
11. E.
12. J.
13. P.
14. B.
15. C.
16. H.
17. M.
18. S.
19. R. or Q.
20. Q. or R.
berry |
bogyó |
suntanned |
napbarnított |
partial |
részleges |
loss |
veszteség |
electrical power |
elektromos áram |
absent-minded |
szórakozott |
to daydream |
álmodozni |
to be fed up |
elege van valamiből |
unbleached |
fehérítetlen |
pulp |
pép |
wrapping |
csomagolás |
liquor |
alkoholos ital |
partially |
részlegesen |
refined |
finomított |
praise |
dicséret |
flattery |
hízelgés |
to obtain a favour |
elnyerni valaki jóindulatát, kegyeibe férkőzni |
sandstone |
homokkő |
well-to-do |
jómódú, gazdag |
dwarf |
törpe |
celestial body |
égitest |
planet |
bolygó |
consumer goods |
fogyasztási cikkek |
linen |
vászon |
lace |
csipke |
fabric |
kelme, ruhaanyag |
undyed |
festetlen |
Scouts |
cserkészek |
elf |
manó |