Idiómák és kifejezések a 'line' szóval - egy kis feladattal.
Idioms with ’Line’
to be in line for |
I thought I was in line for a promotion, so I was quite disappointed when I didn’t get it. |
valami jó dolgot valószínű, hogy megkap, valaminek a várományosa |
to be out of line |
You were absolutely out of line when you told her it wasn’t any of her business. |
túllépni egy határt, nem megfelelően viselkedni |
to step out of line |
It’s not allowed for the teachers to step out of line. They strictly have to follow the syllabus. |
kilépni a hatáskörből, az elvárttal ellentétben viselkedni |
line of work |
In this line of work it’s usual to work long hours. |
munka, hivatás |
to draw the line |
You have to understand that I have to draw the line here. It’s one thing that you’re late but it’s unacceptable that you’ve lied. |
meghúzni a határt |
there is a fine line between one thing and another |
Couples who have been married for a long time always say that there is a fine line between love and hatred. |
nagyon kis különbség van két dolog között (az egyik negatív a másik pozitív) |
to drop sy a line |
Please drop me a line when you get there! |
írni pár sort valakinek |
to read between the lines |
You should read between the lines. They offered to take us home because they want us to go now. |
olvasni a sorok között |
the bottom line |
No matter who is right here. The bottom line is that smoking should be prohibited at schools. |
a lényeg |
to sign on the dotted line |
Please don’t sign on the dotted line until you are one hundred percent sure. |
hivatalosan elismerni valamit azáltal, hogy aláírunk egy hivatalos papírt (átvitt értelemben is) |
along the same lines |
My mother works in education and I hope I’ll do something along the same lines. |
hasonló módon, vagy hasonló dolgok |
on the right lines |
Her parents were so worried when she got into that gang but she is on the right lines now. |
jó úton járni |
Find the definitions of the following idioms.
on the right lines, along the same lines, to sign on the dotted line, the bottom line, to read between the lines, to drop sy a line, there is a fine line between one thing and another, to draw the line, line of work, to step out of line, to be out of line, to be in line for |
1. to formally agree to something by signing a legal document
2. to do something in a way that it will have good results
3. to send someone a short letter
4. likely to get something (good)
5. there is small difference between two things
6. not to behave in a suitable way
7. to make a difference between two things, never do something because you think it’s wrong
8. the most important thing
9. not to behave in a way that is expected from you
10. profession
11. to understand what someone means but doesn’t tell you exactly
12. something similar
1. to sign on the dotted line
2. on the right lines
3. drop sy a line
4. to be in line for
5. there is a fine line between
6. to be out of line
7. to draw the line
8. the bottom line
9. to step out of line
10. line of work
11. read between the lines
12. along the same lines