I will walk away from my business.
to walk away from – kisétálni egy kellemetlen helyzetből/ügyből
explanation: to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with or does not give you any advantages
I will be free of the threat of arrest or assassination.
to be free of a threat– megszabadulni valaminek fenyegetéstől
explanation: not affected by something unwanted
Omar Navarro wants to cut a deal with the FBI?
to cut a deal with – üzletet kötni valakivel
explanation: to negotiate an agreement
What would it take? More than he’s willing to give.
What would it take? – Mibe kerülne ez az egyezség?
to be willing to do sg – hajlandó tenni valamit
If you won’t protect my family, I won’t protect yours.
If you are not willing to/refuse to protect my family. – Ha nem vagy hajlandó megvédeni a családomat
I will not/promise not to protect yours. – ígérem, hogy nem fogom megvédeni a tiédet.
What if you did the laundering for me?
to do the laundering – pénzt ’tisztára’ mosni
explanation: to move money that has been obtained illegally through banks
and other businesses to make it seem to have been obtained legally
Próbáld kiegészíteni a következő mondatokat az előző kifejezések egyikével.
1.Our officials were accused of ______ the stolen funds overseas before returning them to the US.
2.You can’t just _______ our marriage at the first sign of a problem.
3.I _____ tell your wife the truth if you will pay me enough money to move abroad.
4.You will _______ of being sentenced for life if you tell us the names of your partners in this crime.
5.The famous rapper _____ with the recording company two days ago.
sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Ozark: Season 4, Part 1 Trailer, Netflix, Youtube
1. laundering
2. walk away from
3. won’t
4. be free of the threat
5. cut a deal with
to be involved in | részt venni valamiben |
to deal with | elintézni/megoldani valamit |
arrest | letartóztatás |
assassination | merénylet |
to be affected | érintettnek lenni valamiben |
to negotiate | tárgyalni/egyezkedni |
to obtain | megszerezni |
funds// to be accused of |
tőke/pénzeszköz// vádolják valamivel |
overseas | tengeren túl |
to be sentenced for life | életfogytiglanira van ítélve |