Snow jokes


Mennyire is van hideg Maine államban? ;) Egészítsd ki a vicceket!

Snowmen jokes

1. Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?

a) You wake up wet!

2. What do snowmen eat for lunch?

b) Chill-dren.

3. How do you know if there’s a snowman in your bed?

c) A snowmobile.

4. What do you call an old snowman?

d) You have to hollow out the head.

5. What do snowmen call their offspring?

e) Water.

6. How does a snowman get to work?

f) To snowballs.

7. What do you call a snowman on roller blades?

g) Icebergers!

8. Where do snowmen go to dance?

h) By icicle.

Maine Temperature Conversion Chart

The state of Maine (USA) has quite a reputation for being very cold. To get a feel for it, complete the chart with the missing words. (Don’t forget that temperatures are given in Fahrenheit so zero degrees in the table are -17.7 Celsius. 1 Celsius = 1.8 Fahrenheit If you want to work out the rest of the temperatures, you can use an online converter.)










winter coats



Maine Temperature Conversion Chart

60 above zero

New Yorkers try to turn on the heat….

People in Maine plant 1 ……………….. .

50 above zero

Californians 2 ……………….. uncontrollably…….

People in Maine sunbathe.

40 above

Italian 3 ……………….. won’t start…..

People in Maine drive with the windows down.

32 above

4 ……………….. water freezes…..

Moosehead Lake’s water gets thicker

20 above

Floridians wear coats, gloves and woolly hats…..

People in Maine throw on a 5 ……………….. .

15 above

New York 6 ……………….. finally turn up the heat….

People in Maine have the last cook-out before it gets cold.

zero degrees

People in Miami 7 ……………….. to exist….

Mainers lick the flagpole.

-20 below

Californians fly away to Mexico….

People in Maine get out their 8 …………………

-40 below

Hollywood 9 ………………..

The girl scouts in Maine begin selling cookies door to door.

-60 below

Polar bears begin to evacuate Antarctica

Maine’s Boy Scouts 10 ……………….. “Winter Survival” classes until it gets cold enough.

-80 below

Mt. St. Helen’s freezes…

People in Maine go ice skating or skiing.

-297 below

Microbial life survives only

11 ……………….. in Maine complain of farmers with cold hands

-460 below

ALL 12 ……………….. motion stops…..

People in Maine start saying…”Cold ’nuff for ya?”


Snowmen 1-d 2-g 3-a 4-e 5-b 6-h 7-c 8-f
Maine 1-gardens 2-shiver 3- cars 4-distilled 5- sweatshirt 6-landlords 7-cease 8-winter coats 9-disintegrates 10-postpone 11-cows 12-atomic

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